How to Get Strong Arms - Exercises to Get Big Strong Arms

A common misconception among folks who are trying to figure out how to get strong arms is to focus solely on the biceps. This in incorrect since your arms have 3 major muscle groups, the biceps, triceps and forearms. In fact, your triceps are bigger than your biceps anyway, so it makes to work these muscles just as hard in order to get strong muscular arms.

Whether you're looking to get strong arms for baseball, boxing, tennis or simply to get a better body, I'll show you 3 exercises that you can use to get a stronger grip and bigger stronger arms.

How To Get Strong Arms - Biceps - Alternating Dumbell Curls

These are great for building big strong biceps.

Start with a dumbbell in each hand, but in the flexed position. Now, curl the left hand dumbbell down and then up again to the start position. Repeat on the other side.

The value of always keeping at least one dumbbell in the up position is so that your biceps are under constant tension throughout the whole exercise. This will help you to increase your arm strength a lot faster.

Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps.

How To Get Strong Arms - Triceps - Cable Crunch

Stand in front of the cable machine and grab the handle with both hands palms facing down and elbows by your sides. Then slowly push down on the cable making sure to keep your upper arm fixed to the side of your body, focusing the rotation at the elbow.

You should feel the triceps being flexed. The key to getting the most from this exercise is keeping your body and upper arm as still as possible and focusing your effort solely on the triceps.

Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps.

How To Get Strong Arms - Forearms - Wrist Curls

These are great for building big strong forearms and rock hard grip. Sit on the side of a weights bench and hold a barbell in both hands with your palms facing upwards, and your forearms resting on your thighs.

Now rotate your wrists up and down slowly, and you should feel your forearms muscles begin to "burn".

Repeat for 6-10 reps, then do them with your palms facing downwards.

Discover how a self-confessed "skinny twerp" overcame his "skinny genes" and packed on 41 pounds of lean muscle mass to become a National Fitness Model champion ==> How To Get Strong Arms.

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