How to Get Lower Abs Tight and Lean

So you want to know how to get lower abs tight and lean. It is not impossible nor hard nor time consuming to achieve this. How you say? With just three exercise techniques, you too can get lower abs tight and lean.

Let's look at how and why our stomach muscles loosen and become flabby. Muscles maintain their tightness with exercise. When we do not exercise, the muscles atrophy (reduce) with time. People tend to confuse the fact that if we exercise, we wear our body out. Nothing is further from the truth.

Keeping our body strong and healthy requires exercise, as exercise rejuvenates the muscles. People do not get abs tight and lean while sitting watching television, they get abs tight and lean by exercising. Unfortunately, people do not like to exercise, as they conceive it to be boring and hard. Which in a way is fortunate for you because if you do the work, your abs are so much more special. If everyone could easily do it, there would be nothing special about a tight lean set of abs, in fact I would wager that a flabby belly would be the desired fashion!

But this also is not the case abs are not hard to develop. Three simple exercise techniques can give you great looking and healthy lower abs. Let's now go through the steps and very shortly you will know how to get lower abs tight and lean.

First think of the exercise as a health benefit, not a way to look better, although you will look better. Studies tell us that people who look at exercise as a health benefit, rather than a look good benefit, kept up the routine longer and stayed fit past two years.

Second, drink water, as water nourishes the muscles and refreshes the muscles as you reshape them.

Third, repetition is the key to fitness and long term results. So here we go.

Lie down on your back and bend your knees toward you. Place your hands behind your neck but do not apply pressure. Inhale and exhale. Inhale again, but this time when you exhale, lift your head up toward the ceiling until you feel a pull in your abs. Hold for a few seconds and then release. Breathe in and out. When breathing out, lift your head again toward the ceiling but this time instead of lifting straight up, lift to the right.

Hold again for a few seconds. Release. Breathe in and out. This time when breathing out lift up and to the left. Hold for a few seconds and release. Repeat these steps 12 times. Do 3 sets of these exercise techniques repetitiously every day until you have the desired result, then perform them 2 to 3 times a week to maintain.

Start today because now you know how to get abs tight and lean.

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