Tips To Workout and Gain Muscle

Something that overweight people do not want to know is that many thin people wish to pick up weight. They only way they are able to do this, is to workout to gain muscle rather than to loose it. These thin people normally suffer from a genetic component that prevents them from picking up weight. The thin people can be very dissatisfied at the situation that they cannot put on weight and some overweight people can be very jealous of this factor. There are ways for skinny people to workout and gain muscle.

Just as disillusioned the overweight person is about seeing someone trying to gain weight, a thin person may wish to have a few extra pounds. Most genetically thin people have a very fast metabolic rate, which is something else those that are overweight, wish to have. Just as there are solutions to weight loss, there are also solutions for those who wish to pack on weight.

It may take the same amount of mental and emotional effort and energy to do both. Those who are in the trenches, may feel that it is even harder to gain weight than to lose it.

You should be aware of the fact that with muscle gain, comes a small amount of fat gain too. There is no way to gain only muscle without fat, unless you are genetically predisposed to do so. Remember that many body builders use banned substances to assist them in gaining muscle weight while burning fat. Their tissues are also different to that of an average person. The bodies of teenagers are still growing and therefore they may struggle more with this than adults. Their bodies change constantly.

Some people think that they can use heavier weights and eat more, but it is not that simple. Just as you have to consume less calories than what you burn when you want to lose weight, the opposite applies to gaining mass. If one has a very fast metabolic rate, it is hard to eat enough to enable you to build muscle. Genetic factors will also affect it, but there are ways to deal with this.

Calorie rich foods will make the task a little easier. These include cheese, yogurt, milk, peanut butter, nuts, meat, corn, olives, avocados, biscuits, bagels and granola. Calories can be added to the diet by replacing water in sauces, soups and hot cereals with full cream milk. Powdered milk added to casseroles will also do the trick. Taking meal replacement shakes and smoothies after meals will do the trick.

Once you start gaining weight, you can commence with the weight lifting. This will alleviate the build up of fat in your body. As stated before, you may retain a little fat when you workout and gain muscle, which most people do need for proper body functionality.

Visit our site to get a top muscle growth supplement [] for you. Information on muscle building can also be found, including the benefits of a muscle gain supplement [].

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Steps For Successful Weightlifting Workouts

Most men think that building muscles involves doing a bit of cardio to warm up your muscles, than lifting weights for about 60 to 90 minutes. While that is the foundation for most weightlifting workouts, developing true muscle definition is about so much more. It is about developing a plan that works for your body and mind. You will want to develop a plan that will stimulate muscle growth. If your plan is not developed correctly, you will not be able to get the most out of the time you spend at gym. In order to structure weightlifting workouts that maximize your efforts, you need to understand how your muscles grow.

Building muscles is all about stimulating muscle growth, which weightlifting workouts achieve. When you lift weights, the movement contracts your muscle which stimulates blood to flow and fuels muscle stimulation. After you have stimulated and fueled your muscles, growth will start to take place during the downtime period. This is known as rest and recovery. If you follow a few simple steps you will be able to establish a strong, body building workout regime. Always complete the warm up process. This will help to alleviate any injuries.

Limit weightlifting workouts to 60 minutes, but no less than 45 minutes. Most people think that the longer they workout the harder they are working. However, studies reveal that the muscle building growth hormone begins to spike at 30 minutes and will peak at 45 minutes before they drop off dramatically. Design compound workouts. You will want to make sure to incorporate weight training with isolation exercises for every different muscle group. Train heavily to stimulate muscle growth. Incorporate stretching and flexibility. Concentrate on only one to two body parts per workout. Execute between two to four sets (heavy compound first with the isolation exercises second).

Make sure to rest (recover) two to three minutes between each set. Train each body part only once a week. Letting your muscle recover between workouts will enable your muscles to rejuvenate and grow quicker. You will see a change in your muscle definition as soon as you change your weightlifting workouts. You will be surprised at how quickly your new workout regime will change your body definition. The only downside is that you will wish that you had this information years ago.

To maximize your weightlifting workouts [], you need to train with a comprehensive system. You should check out [] to learn more about a training plan that will help you put on the muscle fast!

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A Running Stairs Cardio Workout That Gets You Lean Quickly

Have you ever seen Rocky 4? This was the one where Rocky went to the Soviet Union to fight the massive Russian fighter. Rocky trained in the wilderness, jogging through the snow, cut wood to workout, ran up hills, etc. His Russian opponent took the opposite approach and trained indoors with nothing but state of the art machines. Well, it is obvious that Rocky's "old school" workouts made him tougher and in the end he beats this massive Russian fighter. That is exactly how I view running stairs vs cardio machines. Running stairs in the end will beat cardio machines in burning off stubborn body fat efficiently.

Get Outside...Run Stairs...Burn Fat Quickly...Ask Questions Later!

Running Stairs is tough! People rarely volunteer to run stairs. Normally the only people you see running stairs are elite athletes under the close watch of a coach. If the coach wasn't there to push them, they would probably chose to do something easier. This type of cardio workout is hard in the exact way it needs to be to increase HGH. HGH increases when you alternate intense efforts for 30-60 seconds followed by 30-60 seconds of less intense effort. This is called interval training, and running stairs may just be one of the best forms of interval training.

Signs That Your Cardio Workout Will Result In An HGH Increase

Here are a few things to strive for in your cardio workout if you want to maximize HGH and its maximum fat burning effects:

1) Your skin should feel hot

2) You should be short of breath

3) You should be sweating

4) Your face should look a bit flushed

5) Your heart rate should be higher than normal even after the workout is done

6) You should accomplish all of this on an empty stomach

Running stairs will accomplish all of this more efficiently than any workout on cardio machines.

A Simple 15 minute "Running Stairs Cardio Workout"

Find a flight of stairs that has at least 20-30 stairs (a track with stadium seating at a high school or local college is ideal). Walk up the stairs to the top and then down the stairs to the bottom 3-5 times. After this warm-up you will begin the workout.

1) Sprint from the bottom of the stairs to the top as fast as possible

2) Jog down to the bottom

3) Repeat for 15 minutes

I know this sounds way too simple! You can make it more difficult by choosing longer flights of stairs. You can jog a couple of miles before or after running stairs. The key to whole workout is that is you hit the stairs hard, your body will release HGH and help you get lean quickly. Obviously you will get better results if you eat a low calorie diet.

Running Stairs Cardio Workout...Beats Fancy Machines Every Time!

Rusty Moore is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want a body that has "The Hollywood Look". Download his FREE 56 page report... Vacation Body Blueprint. Get the slim & toned physique like Cam Gigandet, Brad Pitt, Jessica Biel, or Penelope Cruz. Click here to see the video and download the Free Report ---->

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Some Easy Steps to Stay Motivated With Your Fitness Exercise Program

It sound's great; this is the year you're finally going to get in shape. You've joined a gym, bought yourself some new shoes and workout clothes, and found just the right fitness exercise program, and now you're ready to go. But after the second week you're beginning to think you've made a huge mistake, you can't possible stick with this for any longer. Now what?

We've all been there and know what it's like to feel our momentum fade away when it comes to our fitness exercise program, you don't have to give up though, there are a few simple tricks you can use to stay motivated until you can reach your goal:

1. The first thing you need to do is to treat your workouts like an appointment. Don't just plan on fitting your workout in at some point in your day because there is a very good chance you won't be able to 'find the time'. Instead make it a part of your daily schedule. When you're planning out your day whether you actually write it out in your day planner or just plan it out in your head, make sure you include your workout time. Make it a firm part of your daily routine and you'll be much more likely to stay with it.

2. Try to find yourself an exercise buddy to work out with. Sometimes peer pressure can be a good thing and if you know that your friend is planning on working out with you, you probably won't talk yourself out of going. Not only will you not want to let your friend down you also won't want them, and you, to think of you as being lazy and un-motivated.

3. Set realistic goals along the way. Reward yourself when you've worked out 5 days a week or when you've lost a pound or two. Your reward can be anything from a new pair of shoes to taking a long hot bath or getting a massage. It can be whatever you want it to be, just make sure it is important enough to you to motivate you to stick with your workout.

The best fitness exercise program in the world won't do you any good if you don't stick to it. These simple tricks to keep yourself motivated are the first step to getting in the kind of shape you can be proud of. Do whatever it takes to stay fit and healthy and every time you pass a mirror you'll like what you see.

You can achieve your weight loss goals with these simple tips on how to stay motivated with your fitness exercise program [] visit [].

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Simple Exercise to Get Rid of That Pot Belly

Want to get rid of that pot belly? I can help. I have a simple exercise that if done every day will help eliminate that belly fat and remove the extra baggage around your midsection but you need to incorporate this exercise along with a good weight loss program into your daily life.

The truth about pot bellies is that they did not come overnight and they aren't going to leave without some serious work. Over the years we've gotten comfortable with our midsection buddy and have relaxed holding in our gut. Remember whenever a good looking member of the opposite sex approached we would immediately suck in our gut? We've grown lax and while those abdominal muscles are still there; they are hidden by layers of fat.

We need to regain the ability to suck in our gut and lose some of the extra pounds around our midsection. First, you need to begin an exercise and weight loss program to lose weight and strengthen those dormant muscles.

The simple system that I would like to suggest to help eliminate your pot belly is quite simple. To begin you will be in a standing position. While you are relaxed place your index finger on your belly button, then suck your gut in as far as possible. Hold your belly in for 10 to 30 seconds. Then relax and let your belly out then repeat this process for about 3 to 5 minutes. Do not hold your breath while doing the exercise. Do this routine at least 3 to 4 times each day and you will be amazed at the results within a short period of time.

We need to regain the habit of sucking in our gut; before we got comfortable with our midsection buddy we used to hold our gut in unconsciously throughout the day.

To get faster results, try incorporating a more intensive routine into your daily life. Tie a short rope around your midsection with your belly sucked in during the day. Leave it on for a period of 30 minutes (you can cover it with your shirt) and this will remind you to keep your tummy sucked in during the exercise. After a short period of time I know you will be pleased with the results, however, make sure you adhere to the other exercises you are doing to get yourself in shape and lose the extra pounds.

Visit our website at [] for more exercise tips and information for better health. We have some videos, samples of workouts and a free report about "177 Ways to Burn Calories".

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How to Get Abs Like Zac Efron's - Abdominal Exercises to Achieve Visible Six Pack

Zac Efron, the star of High School Musical is now a grown-up man and not a teenager anymore. In the set of his upcoming movie " The Death and Life of Charlie St Cloud" he was caught doing push-ups in between shoots. He was photographed shirtless and the media rave about the solid six pack which he obviously worked hard for.

Zac Efron got his washboard abs from a 6-day a week gym routine. He considers working out his biggest hobby and his Zen hour. He reportedly likes to do tough and intense weight workouts combined with regular cardio exercises and surfing.

This celebrity clearly does not rely on abdominal exercises alone in order to get visible six pack. The real secret to achieving that ripped abdominals is to compliment abdominal exercises with a full body workout program to ensure your over all success. This will help you reduce body fat levels faster thereby contributing to a leaner set of abs.

Another crucial factor to achieving a flat stomach is your nutrition which is even more important than your workout. If your diet is poor, you will not lose those stubborn fats in your belly no matter how intense your training is. Avoid eating processed and unnatural foods; instead focus on eating foods in their natural state. Fruits and vegetables plus quality protein gain from unprocessed meats and dairy are your healthiest options.

If you are really determined to sporting that visible six-pack abs someday, you have to take action now. Procrastination or being lazy would not lead you anywhere. If you have the financial resources, work with a certified trainer to design a workout program for you. Or better yet, to save you money, you can check abs program online and see which one best fit your requirements. Read reviews to make sure that you will be purchasing a reliable ab program on the internet that can really help you achieve those visible six pack abs.

To learn more about how to get Zac Efron's Abs [], visit us at How to Get a Visible Six Pack [].

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The Best Stomach Abdominal Exercises - 2 Top Exercises to Get Flat Abs

If you have a desire to get visible abs or a flat stomach then the right training is an essential step in order to achieve your goal. The problem is that most people don't know how to train and they don't know which exercises to do. In order to help you to train your abdominal better and faster I will give you the 2 best stomach abdominal exercises.

They are done by fitness professionals, trainers, athletes and average people who have abs. There is no reason why you shouldn't do them.

Hanging leg raises

By far the most effective exercises to train your lower abs are hanging leg raises. Hanging leg raises are excellent as well to develop a nice and strong core.

1) Grab a bar that is strong enough to carry your weight and high enough. If you have to reach on your toes to grab it then it's high enough

2) Your arms need to be slightly lighter then shoulder width apart

3) Use your abdominal muscles to raise your knees up toward your chest. Left your legs up with controlled steady movements and bring your knees to your chest

4) Lower your legs slowly.

Captain's chair exercise

Another top exercise to train the rectus abdominus is the captain's chair exercise. The reason why it has a place in the top 2 best stomach exercises is due to a study of the university of San Diego. This study has found out that this exercise is really an exercise that strengthen the abs

1) Sit in the chair with your knees dangled in front of your body and at an angel of ninety degrees

2) Bring your knees to your chest slowly. They need to touch your chest almost.

3) Hold this movement for a while.

4) Lower your knees to a ninety degree angel but make a slow movement

5) Repeat the process

Keep in mind that you don't need to train the abs everyday. The abdominal rectus muscle is a muscle like all other muscles and they grow after your training (when you are resting).

Ladies click here to finally get rid of ugly stomach fat and get that sexy firm belly.

Men click here to lose unwanted stubborn belly fat and finally get that sexy firm belly.

You don't have to click the links above but then you will miss a lot of free stuff. Stuff that will transform your body into a fat burning machine.

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Boost Your Fat Burning With a Progressive Cardio Training Plan

When going on a weight loss plan it's important that you don't just change your diet by restricting your calories or starving yourself by eating once or twice per day.

In order to give yourself the best chance of melting away the body fat and keeping it off, you need to take on your body fat with a three-pronged attack.

A proper fat burning program includes:

Proper Nutrition Plan
Effective Weight Training Program
The Right Cardio ExerciseWhile most people don't get nearly enough exercise, when they decide they want to lose weight they go too far the other direction.

One day they are eating everything in sight. The next, they are starving themselves and doing two hours of aerobics daily. This is a bad combination that is doomed to failure.

Eventually you'll want to incorporate high intensity interval training into your plan but if you haven't been exercising on a regular basis, you'll need to work up to it.

If you've been sitting on the couch for awhile, here's a five week phase to get you used to doing cardio and build up a base so you can start incorporating some serious fat burning interval training into your program and really kick start your fat burning into high gear.

Week 1: Two 20 minute sessions
Week 2: Two 25 minute sessions
Week 3: Two 30 minute sessions
Week 4: Three 30 minute sessions
Week 5: Three 30 minute sessions (up your intensity from last week)

Remember, you should also be incorporating weight training as well starting with two full body workout sessions in weeks one through two and then three full body workout sessions with the weights in weeks four and five.

I've found that most people, when they don't track their heart rate during these cardio sessions, are actually working out at too low of an intensity level.

I recommend getting yourself a heart rate monitor watch for these workouts.

Grab your free 30 day fat loss blueprint that includes a complete 30 day weight training and cardio plan to help you lose abdominal fat [] and reshape your body ==>>

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Cardio Kickboxing Top 10 Questions

1. What is Cardio Kickboxing?

Cardio kickboxing is a hybrid of boxing, martial arts and aerobics done rhythmically to music. Cardio kickboxing is also known as aerobic kickboxing or fitness kickboxing. Offering an intense cross-training and total-body workout it utilizes the training routines used by martial artists in the sports of boxing and kickboxing. The objective is not to make a "fighter" out of you, but rather to give a balanced overall program that combines a cardio aerobic workout with the techniques for self-defense. There is no physical contact in the class - it is offered as an alternative to conventional aerobics.

Unlike a traditional martial arts class, the music adds to your stimulation and motivation. Unlike an aerobics class, there are numerous techniques you can learn beyond the basics to maintain your interest level. Classes go by fast because there is so much going on.

2. What are the benefits of Cardio Kickboxing?

These classes give you a full body workout and improve your physical fitness, flexibility, coordination, and balance. If you do the punches with precision and power, you will strengthen your upper body and eventually see more muscle definition. The kicks will strengthen your legs. And kneeing moves (a strike in which you thrust your bent knee upward) will firm your abdominal muscles; in fact, all of the moves, when done correctly, will make your torso into a solid base that lets you do day-to-day tasks more easily. Many cardio kickboxing classes also include bagwork that provides additional fitness and strength training benefits because of the "resistance" when punching or kicking the heavy boxing bags.

Your cardiovascular system will benefit, too. Cardio kickboxing is a truly aerobic workout - it keeps you bobbing, weaving, and jumping amidst the punches and kicks, so that your heart rate stays elevated for most of the session. A good class will leave you drenched in sweat and energized. And your increased conditioning will be accompanied by an increased metabolism meaning you will burn more calories even when you aren't exercising.

A lot of people find cardio kickboxing a great way to release stress. The stress relief and the channeling of aggression can be as beneficial as the actual physical workout itself. The physiological difference between this workout and other cardiovascular workouts such as running or participating in an aerobics class can't be explained with just the simple "release of endorphines". A natural high is experienced after a class that lasts for hours. Civilized, as we've all been not to hit each other (which is, of course, a good thing), we're still equipped with some natural aggression. You may find that planting your heel in the torso of a phantom foe 10 or 20 times leaves you feeling wonderfully tranquil.

3. Who should take a Cardio Kickboxing class?

Anyone who wants to get in better shape. Although primarily designed for adults, cardio kickboxing classes can benefit teens too. Student athletes can train to improve their physical fitness and conditioning. And the resulting boost in self-confidence gives a mental edge when it comes to getting more playing time and performing well during actual games.

Students who are home-schooled or who do not like to participate in conventional athletic programs can derive health and fitness benefits too. Exercise is important. And, because of the added self-defense benefit that comes as a by-product of the program, it improves a student's self-esteem, channels aggressiveness, and enhances assertiveness.

It's recommended you check with your health-card provider before taking the class if you have not exercised regularly recently, and come in and talk to a teacher and watch part of a class if you have other questions or concerns.

4. What should I expect in a Cardio Kickboxing class?

A typical class is a little over an hour-long. If you are going to hit bags, prior to the class, participants wrap both hands with cloth handwraps to help protect the knuckles and support the wrists (the instructor will show you how). Then with everyone facing the mirror, a teacher leads the group through specific punches and kicks, to the beat of dance-club music. The class starts with a warm-up period, moves to fast shadowboxing and kicking drills, then to heavy bag work, and ends with some strength building exercises and a cool-down stretch. Intermixed with this are aerobic conditioning drills such as high-knees, grapevines and jumping jacks.

Be prepared to feel a little clumsy and lost at times - but don't let yourself feel discouraged. Even if you're a highly conditioned runner or you've been doing step aerobics for years, these moves may be new to your body. Pay attention to what feels right to you. Don't do a move that hurts, and take breaks if you feel tired. Your muscles need time to develop their "memory", and your reactions as the teacher calls out what to do ("jab, cross, hook, roundhouse") will be slow at first. By the second or third class, the awkwardness will start to dissipate.

5. What will I learn?

The first thing you'll learn is the stance -- a way of standing that maximizes balance and puts power behind your moves. Your feet are about shoulder-width apart and at a slight angle, one foot set back from the other. Your fists are up around your cheek-bones to guard your face (Don't hunch your shoulders). This is the position you'll return to after every punch and kick.

You will also learn how to move, which is important because you use your momentum to generate power. This involves keeping in motion while staying up on the balls of your feet, which enables you to act or respond much more efficiently. The general rule for a powerful strike is to use your body's weight and momentum, not just your arms. Engage your abdominal muscles and exhale the breath as you rotate and punch.

The punches generally taught are the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. The kicks will include the front kick, side kick, back kick, angle kick and roundhouse. But punches and kicks just don't come in multiples of one. You will learn kickboxing sequences, how the jab sets up the cross, sets up the hook, etc. Each strike sets up the next so you can generate much more power by combos of two or more. The torque of your body helps to create this momentum. The individual moves are worked into swiftly executed combinations (for example: jab, cross punch, hook, uppercut, front kick).

Different instructors have different takes on what they teach and the subtleties of techniques, but the basics that you learn from one teacher will hold up in all the classes.

6. What should I wear?

Sweats, shorts and a T-shirt, an aerobic-dance outfit -- whatever keeps you comfortable and cool. Wear well-made athletic shoes that aren't too worn. Running shoes aren't ideal because they're not constructed for side-to-side movements. Basketball, tennis or other shoes designed for pivots and lateral movements are better. It is also very important that your shoes are clean. Barefeet are OK too.

7. Could I hurt myself?

Yes. If you're not careful, you could end up with a sore elbow or wrist, a pulled muscle, or one of the injuries that commonly occur in aerobics classes such as a sprained knee or twisted ankle. So adopt a protective attitude toward your body.

If you can spare the time, arrive a few minutes early to get your handwraps on and warm up by gently stretching your legs (especially the fronts and backs of the thighs) and shoulders. Make sure you are and stay well hydrated.

During the class, make sure that you stop the motion of each punch or kick before the joint is fully extended. Never kick or punch so far that you lock the elbow or knee joints. Also, start out focusing on kicking low and with control. Respect your body's limits. Sure, you can change those limits -- but it'll take time, dedication, and a realistic attitude.

8. Will Cardio Kickboxing give me skills to defend myself?

Since you will be working out anyway, learning basic self-defense skills at the same time is an added benefit. Over time you will develop strong kicking and punching abilities and learn the practical application of techniques practiced in the air on the heavy bag. It takes bagwork practice to gauge distance and effectively landing your punch or kick flush on a target. You just can't just shadow-kickbox, you need the feedback of hitting something. Be aware though that the focus is on conditioning and not on self-defense, if you really want to learn self-defense tactics, take a martial arts or self-defense classes.

9. How can I get the most out of the classes?

As with any other exercise, if you want to improve your cardiovascular condition or trim an inch here and there, you'll have to do it regularly. Two to four sessions a week is probably optimal; in between classes it is good to mix things up. For example take a brisk walk or run, do some stretching or yoga to increase your flexibility, or simply take a day to rest.

10. How can I learn more?

Go to a class!

John Harker is a cardio kickboxing teacher in Santa Cruz, California. He teaches at Westside Aerobics and Martial Arts. More information can be found on their website at His personal site is

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Is Cardio Good for Fat Loss?

20 years or so ago, if you were searching for a way to lose weight, you would most likely have been directed to get on the treadmill or the elliptical machine for 30 minutes at a minimum. This would have been considered sound advice and a sure way to get those unwanted pounds off. Those were the days in which cardio workouts reigned supreme as the one true way to lose weight.

In recent years, this point of view has been challenged. Some trainers even go as fat as create programs which include no trace of the sort of cardio workouts that we know. They claim that it is simply a waste of time to do cardio, at least the way it has been done in the past.

Which of these two points of view is correct? Is cardio good for fat loss or is it merely a waste of your valuable time?

The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.

The basic rule of weight loss is that when you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. It's that simple. The more active you are, the more calories you burn so your overall calorie deficit can become bigger.

Cardio is an activity. When you perform a cardio workout you burn more calories than you would have done in an inactive state. So, cardio is good for fat loss because it does generate an increase in the amount of calories that you burn.

However, it is not the ultimate solution to weight loss that it was thought to be. There are other ways to train which may provide better and faster results.

The first of such methods is known as HIIT, or interval training. This is a form of cardio, but it is very different from the way most people do it. When you do intervals you do not spend an hour on a treadmill or a recumbent bike, exercising at a medium but steady pace.

When you do intervals you change your pace in short intervals, moving from high intensity to low. This has been shown to produce faster fat loss results than traditional cardio.

The second method is strength training. This is something that a lot of people, women in particular shy away from. This is unfortunate because weight lifting is excellent for fat loss as it boosts your metabolism.

The best way to get rid of excess body fat is to combine cardio with strength training. This is how you will achieve the quickest results.

For more tips on how to do cardio to get lean visit Cardio For Fat Loss.
To see how you can lose belly fat visit Flat Belly Solution.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life.

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7 Great Steps to Cycling As an Aerobic Workout

Whether you are a novice or a serious athlete, you will enjoy the scenery as you tour the countryside on your bicycle-and your body is sure to enjoy the aerobic workout. Whatever your fitness level, these tips will help you get more out of your routine.

1. Getting in gear

Bicycling has enjoyed several waves of interest through the years. One reason for its popularity is that it can be enjoyed by just about anyone, regardless of age or level of fitness.

a. This sport can be enjoyed in groups or solo, on the roads or with a stationary bike. Your can also vary your pace, from leisurely touring to intense training.

b. Incorporate bicycling into your schedule. Use bike to work or when running errands.

c. The beginning bicyclist may need only a three-speed bike, but many will prefer to have 10-12 speeds. This will make it easier for you to go over hills and allow you to increase the resistance on the straightaways.

d. Biking at a fast speed is excellent for weight control. Pedaling one hour at 13 miles per hour will burn about 650 calories.

e. Bicycling is especially good for building the quadriceps (a group of four large muscles in the front of the thigh). Toe clips are useful if you have problems with your feet slipping off the pedals, but they also help you to work your calf and shin muscles. You may want to consider toe clips with a quick-release mechanism if the clips are especially snug-fitting.

2. A bicycling routine

Beginners will do fine riding for 20-30 minutes at a moderate rate. Try the following routine for a more disciplined approach.

a. First week: Work on getting comfortable with the bike and experimenting with gears. Try to ride 2-5 miles during the week and 5-10 miles on the weekend.

b. Second week: Include a few short periods of faster riding in your routine. This is called interval training and will help our develop strength and endurance. Aim for 4-7 miles during the week and 10 miles on the weekend.

c. Third week: Include five minute periods of faster riding, separated by five minutes of easy riding. Ride 6-9 miles during the week and 15 miles on the weekend.

d. Fourth week: Try doing one day of three-minute intervals instead of five -minute intervals. Ride 8-11 miles during the week and up to 20 miles on the weekend.

e. Spare your tires. Storing your bicycle near appliances that give off ozone can age your tires, causing cracks and other damage to the rubber. Keep your bike away from refrigerators, freezers, and electric heaters.

3. The right posture

a. Getting the right-size bike is important. When you straddle your bike with both feet on the ground, there should be one to two inches between the front tube (the bar that runs from the handlebars to the seat) and your crotch.

b. When you are seated, your leg should be only slightly bent when it reaches the bottom of the pedaling movement.

c. Bend forward at the hips-not at the waist-when your ride. Keep you back straight and your neck and shoulder muscles relaxed.

d. When gripping the handlebars, keep you elbows slightly bent. This will give you better leverage and shock absorption when going over potholes or bumps.

e. Ease the stress of a long ride by changing your hand position often.

4. Dress for comfort, dress for safety

a. You can bike in just about any clothing, but serious bikers prefer a pair of chamois lined shorts. These reduce chafing and pressure in the groin. A padded seat will also help you stay comfortable.

b. Gloves are useful for reducing pressure on the palms that comes from leaning on handle-bars. Gloves will also protect your hands in case you fall.

5. Riding with caution

a. Inspect your bike before every ride. Check the tires, brakes, gears and headlight.

b. Practice sudden braking techniques. Always squeeze both brakes, the front harder than the rear and let up on the front brake if you feel yourself skidding. Sliding back in the saddle will also help stabilize the bike.

c. Attach a loud horn to the handlebars and use it whenever necessary.

d. Do not ride at night unless you have no choice and then use reflectors and headlights and wear reflective clothing.

e. Secure flapping pant legs with rubber bands to avoid having them get caught in the bike's wheels. Also, tuck in loose shoelaces.

f. Rearview mirrors should be mounted on your handlebars, not on your helmet.

g. A water bottle can come in handy to fight off dehydration.

h. Bicyclists are safest when wearing neon pink. It is easy for motorists to spot this uncommon color.

6. Biking in any weather

a. Windchill rapidly becomes a factor when you are traveling at 15 miles per hour. Consider wearing a mask to stay warm.

b. Hypothermia can occur in temperature as high as 60 degrees Fahrenheit on wet and windy days. Cyclists should wear gloves, leg coverings, and long-sleeved shirts when it is cool outside.

c. In wet weather, brakes do not hold very well. Use caution when your hubs become wet.

d. Take along something to drink when biking in warm weather, preferably two quarter size water bottles.

7. Helmet protection

If you consider the lifelong damage that one head injury can cause, you will see how important it is to wear a sturdy helmet every time you bike.

a. Buy only helmets that are approved by competent authorities.

b. A properly fitting helmet should touch your head at the crown, sides, front, and back. Choose the smallest size that fits comfortably and use the sizing pads included with most helmets to fine-tune the fit.

c. Adjust the straps. With the helmet level across your forehead just above your eyebrows, the front strap should be close to vertical. The back strap should lie straight, just below the ear, without any slack. The chin strap should feel tight when you open your mouth.

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(C) Copyright-Shivraj Ghorpade. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Long Distance Running - One Great Aerobic Workout

You don't know the power of a great aerobic workout unless you've gone that extra mile. Long distance running is a wonderful form of aerobic workout that will have your heart pumping strong and your breathing steady and even. It will take to visit new places as you expand your distance running and relax your mind as you learn to run in the zone.

The beauty of long distance running is the aerobic high that only comes after a certain distance marker. It might be a few miles or several km. That distance might change from run to run. But the fact remains that when you hit a certain long run distance the great aerobic workout effect occurs.

One nice thing about long distance running and maintaining a good aerobic workout is the pace that you set. You can maintain the same pace for 20 minutes or an hour if you choose. That is the beauty, you get to choose. The pace isn't set to a rhythm of drums or another person's level of skill. You decide the pace, can modify it anytime you want and start and stop at your will.

You can also get a great aerobic workout from a long distance run even if you're not moving very fast. You might run slower but longer, trading bursts of energy for steady rhythm. There is no pressure to follow or out perform anyone. Sometimes, other workouts can have you out of breath because your aerobic level doesn't match the other person's. This can de-motivate you and not want to continue to exercise. Long distance running is about pacing yourself with your level of aerobic ability.

Finally, long distance running takes you outdoors. Long distance running takes advantage of combining nature with aerobic fitness. The longer you run, the more of your natural surroundings you can enjoy. You can design your long runs to take you through parks, over hills and around running water. Not many other fitness workouts can offer you that. Running in nature and soaking up the earth's energy is just one of the many benefits of this form of aerobic exercise.

When you want to give your body a good workout, strengthen your heart and improve your breathing, start a long distance running program. Build up slowly and you'll be able to monitor in miles or km, your progress and aerobic workout level. And enjoy getting out and being a part of nature while working on your fitness.

"Anne Dessens is the editor/founder of the Anne website about success through personal development. Learn how to become a runner:

- Learn more about how Anne uses diet and exercise for personal growth at:

- Copyright: you may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links and this copyright notice remain intact."

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Top 10 Aerobics Exercises

Aerobic exercises are also known for their increase in endurance, and work to increase the functioning of the cardiovascular system to pump oxygen throughout the body efficiently. Regular aerobics increases the amount of oxygen that the cells in the body receive, strengthens the heart to improve its ability to pump blood efficiently, creating muscle tone, increasing red blood cells, and improving mental health concerns related to stress and depression. Some additional benefits are lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and weight loss. Chronic diseases such as heart failure and diabetes are improved with regular exercise, under the watchful eye of your physician.


If you're new to exercise or you are starting aerobic activities when you're older in age, walking is a great way to burn calories and begin the process to condition your heart to pump better.


Indoors or outdoors, jogging is an excellent exercise that provides individuals with a higher impact workout to burn more calories and make a difference in weight.

Jumping Rope

Compared to running and jogging, jumping rope actually provides a better exercise because impact is absorbed in both feet at the same time and 10 minutes of jumping rope is the equivalent of a one mile run.


Swimming is an exercise that individuals of all ages can take part in. If you are overweight, the water provides buoyancy to cushion your joints from impact, while helping you to increase your heart rate, burn calories and lose fat.

Outdoor/ Stationary Cycling

Burning fat and reducing the risk of heart disease, as well as lowering blood pressure are some wonderful benefits to cycling. Many people watch television or listen to music while cycling and find it quite relaxing.

Treadmill/ Elliptical Machines

This method of aerobic exercise combines jogging and walking while allowing you to lower or increase your resistance. These can be high intensity or low intensity to aid weight loss.

Step Aerobics

By incorporating dance steps and arm movements in your routine, with or without weights, step aerobics can be the workout you've been looking for. It's fun, helps you burn calories and is a great way to stay fit.

High Weight Reps

If you're interested in weight training, you will probably be surprised to know that you can actually increase the aerobic impact by using low weights and increasing your reps to get your heart pumping and calories burning.

Cardio Kickboxing

Cardio Kickboxing is an excellent high impact work out designed to help you lose weight, burn calories and learn and introduce you to a type of martial arts.

Uma Ilango is a programmer from profession. Has lots of interest in non-technical writing too. She has written articles in several topics. Her hobbies include reading, surfing, writing and playing chess. She writes regularly at []. is a source of expert content in the form of short, informative and educational or entertaining articles. We provide experts in hundreds of different niches from around the world. Thousands of new articles [] are added every month.

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How to Get Lower Abs Tight and Lean

So you want to know how to get lower abs tight and lean. It is not impossible nor hard nor time consuming to achieve this. How you say? With just three exercise techniques, you too can get lower abs tight and lean.

Let's look at how and why our stomach muscles loosen and become flabby. Muscles maintain their tightness with exercise. When we do not exercise, the muscles atrophy (reduce) with time. People tend to confuse the fact that if we exercise, we wear our body out. Nothing is further from the truth.

Keeping our body strong and healthy requires exercise, as exercise rejuvenates the muscles. People do not get abs tight and lean while sitting watching television, they get abs tight and lean by exercising. Unfortunately, people do not like to exercise, as they conceive it to be boring and hard. Which in a way is fortunate for you because if you do the work, your abs are so much more special. If everyone could easily do it, there would be nothing special about a tight lean set of abs, in fact I would wager that a flabby belly would be the desired fashion!

But this also is not the case abs are not hard to develop. Three simple exercise techniques can give you great looking and healthy lower abs. Let's now go through the steps and very shortly you will know how to get lower abs tight and lean.

First think of the exercise as a health benefit, not a way to look better, although you will look better. Studies tell us that people who look at exercise as a health benefit, rather than a look good benefit, kept up the routine longer and stayed fit past two years.

Second, drink water, as water nourishes the muscles and refreshes the muscles as you reshape them.

Third, repetition is the key to fitness and long term results. So here we go.

Lie down on your back and bend your knees toward you. Place your hands behind your neck but do not apply pressure. Inhale and exhale. Inhale again, but this time when you exhale, lift your head up toward the ceiling until you feel a pull in your abs. Hold for a few seconds and then release. Breathe in and out. When breathing out, lift your head again toward the ceiling but this time instead of lifting straight up, lift to the right.

Hold again for a few seconds. Release. Breathe in and out. This time when breathing out lift up and to the left. Hold for a few seconds and release. Repeat these steps 12 times. Do 3 sets of these exercise techniques repetitiously every day until you have the desired result, then perform them 2 to 3 times a week to maintain.

Start today because now you know how to get abs tight and lean.

If you would like to get a six pack in 23 days or less, buy The "Abs In 23 Days" training program. You can learn more about this award winning, abdominal pumping, fat stripping product by clicking the following link []

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Build Lean Muscle - How Many Calories to Consume to Build Lean Muscle Mass Fast?

Learning the right diet and nutrition guideline for your quest to build lean muscle can seem like a challenge. As your body becomes more efficient through your workouts, you will notice a strong tapering off of results in your weight can muscle tone gain. This is where too many people fall off the wagon on adjusting their diet to the right levels to gain lean muscle fast.

So, how many calories should you eat each day to gain lean muscle? A very simple guideline to start with is to consume 17x your total body weight in calories each day. If you are at 175 lbs, then you would consumer 2975 calories (175 x 17).

Try starting at this level and closely monitor your results. If you are not gaining muscle weight, but rather staying the same or dropping pounds, then increase it to a factor of 20. Going over a factor of 20 is not advisable and should be your stopping point for intake. For most normal weight gainers, the 17x ratio will really make a difference in your muscle mass increase.

Over a short period, you will find the right strike zone for body mass and caloric intake by monitoring and watching your diet closely. Also, it is important to remember that all the calories should not come from fat either. You will want at least 30%, if not 40% of the calories to be from lean protein. The remainder can be made up from other sources, but keep your overall calorie from fat intake to 10% or less for best results.

Finally, you can also incorporate some little known secret changes to your workout routine that will get you past the potential plateau that you are experiencing in your muscle mass gain. Upper body muscle building is one of the more difficult areas to break through on, but with some work ethic and some changes to diet and exercise programs, you can get results. One of the better sites I have seen to help you out can be found here: [].

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How to Get Strong Arms - Exercises to Get Big Strong Arms

A common misconception among folks who are trying to figure out how to get strong arms is to focus solely on the biceps. This in incorrect since your arms have 3 major muscle groups, the biceps, triceps and forearms. In fact, your triceps are bigger than your biceps anyway, so it makes to work these muscles just as hard in order to get strong muscular arms.

Whether you're looking to get strong arms for baseball, boxing, tennis or simply to get a better body, I'll show you 3 exercises that you can use to get a stronger grip and bigger stronger arms.

How To Get Strong Arms - Biceps - Alternating Dumbell Curls

These are great for building big strong biceps.

Start with a dumbbell in each hand, but in the flexed position. Now, curl the left hand dumbbell down and then up again to the start position. Repeat on the other side.

The value of always keeping at least one dumbbell in the up position is so that your biceps are under constant tension throughout the whole exercise. This will help you to increase your arm strength a lot faster.

Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps.

How To Get Strong Arms - Triceps - Cable Crunch

Stand in front of the cable machine and grab the handle with both hands palms facing down and elbows by your sides. Then slowly push down on the cable making sure to keep your upper arm fixed to the side of your body, focusing the rotation at the elbow.

You should feel the triceps being flexed. The key to getting the most from this exercise is keeping your body and upper arm as still as possible and focusing your effort solely on the triceps.

Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps.

How To Get Strong Arms - Forearms - Wrist Curls

These are great for building big strong forearms and rock hard grip. Sit on the side of a weights bench and hold a barbell in both hands with your palms facing upwards, and your forearms resting on your thighs.

Now rotate your wrists up and down slowly, and you should feel your forearms muscles begin to "burn".

Repeat for 6-10 reps, then do them with your palms facing downwards.

Discover how a self-confessed "skinny twerp" overcame his "skinny genes" and packed on 41 pounds of lean muscle mass to become a National Fitness Model champion ==> How To Get Strong Arms.

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Is Weight Lifting Without a Workout Partner the Secret to Building Muscle Mass?

Bodybuilding is a pursuit that demands substantial weight lifting discipline and dedication, and many feel that having a partner with similar goals can improve mental focus and enhance the effectiveness of each weight lifting workout. This theory is true for many, but there are also some who actually find that solo weight lifting workouts provide an environment for enhanced dedication and consistency when compared with relying upon a weight lifting workout partner. Surprisingly to many, there are those who feel that weight lifting partners actually hinder long term results, and are able to achieve far superior fat loss or muscle building progress alone, without the benefit of a weight lifting partner.

Despite certain weight lifters experiencing a desire to train with the help of a friend, locating an individual who has a comparable daily schedule and who adopts a desire to attend on the agreed upon day and time each week can prove difficult. Even when finding a potential candidate, we all seem to experience agenda conflicts regardless of how well intentioned we may be, and two seemingly compatible weight lifters are likely to find themselves at odds. Also, many weight lifters have their own individual weight lifting time preference, with some feeling more energized in the morning hours, prior to starting their work day, and others feeling far more motivated for an intense weight lifting session during afternoon or evening hours. This difference in preference naturally makes finding another weight lifter with an identical frame of mind cumbersome.

In addition to the potential for scheduling conflicts, similar goals are required, meaning that a weight lifter who wishes to produce substantial muscle growth cannot comfortably weight train with one who seeks fat loss and tone, as the two will often perform different routines. Although both could train at the same time, because their workouts may be significantly different, motivating one another without wasting substantial time switching between various weights becomes difficult, and soon, the two will find that they experience far greater focus and intensity when training alone.

Even if both weight lifters have the exact same muscle building and fat loss goals, the amount of weight used in each exercise will likely differ, sometimes dramatically, and the two bodybuilding partners will feel as if they are swapping free weights on the bars more often than they are actually training for muscle growth, leading to excessive workout length. Weight lifting workout sessions can become mentally grueling when distractions begin to monopolize gym time, and making dramatic workout weight changes each set due to differing strength levels is a quick way for any weight lifter to become disgruntled with the time spent on each weight lifting session.

Another roadblock towards finding the ideal weight lifting partner is workout pacing, as some wish to quickly complete a weight lifting workout session seemingly at the speed of light, while others feel far more comfortable with longer rest periods. This will create a substantial pacing conflict, and considering that disciplined weight training is sufficiently difficult to endure when all environmental variables are perfect, just imagine when a weight lifting partner decides that he or she wishes to execute a workout at a speed which you find offensive! In such a scenario, the weight lifting workout will become unnecessarily stressful, and the two partners will try to find a way to relinquish the obligation to train together in order to preserve sanity.

Lastly, regardless of how committed two workout partners may be towards achieving muscle building or body fat reduction, the chances are extremely high that idle chatter will infiltrate weight training sets, extending rest time, and the workout itself, far beyond what is necessary. Amazingly, two weight lifting partners can discuss a topic between sets and allow a time period that seemingly feels insignificant to reach several minutes, and the lengthy weight lifting workouts that result are known for draining all motivation and desire to train.

I personally am one who has always performed my weight lifting workout sessions alone, and have found this to be the most potent method, but during the rare times I have trained together with either one partner or a group, I cannot recall any weight lifter ever asking to train with me for a second time, and those particular workout sessions with partners were, for me, significantly less intense than my normal weight lifting workout sessions, when I am training alone, without any obstacles, at my own pace, with music I enjoy, and without unnecessary discussions that extend workout length beyond mentally sustainable levels.

Francesco Castano authors, a diet and weight training program teaching the exact techniques for muscle gain without supplements or drugs. He also owns, teaching exactly how to burn fat without supplements.

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Hardgainer Workout Routine - Top 3 Weight Lifting Exercises

Bench Press- A great exercise for developing all of the upper body pushing muscles such as the deltoids, triceps, and pectorals. This lift involves lying down on a bench, lowering a barbell to the lower section of your chest and pressing upward. If you want to build a massive chest then you need to press heavy weight. All the pec deck flyes and cable crossovers in the world will not do a hardgainer any good when it comes to packing on mass. Flyes and crossovers isolate individual muscles which is the exact opposite of what a hardgainer's workout should include. Bench is probably the most well known exercise in the weight lifting world, and that's for good reason.

Squat- Also known as the king of all exercises, squat is another essential lift to include in a hardgainers workout because almost no other lift will build muscle quite like it. Squat stimulates the release of testosterone naturally which helps the body develop muscle mass more efficiently through protein synthesis and additionally increases oxygen flow throughout the body which, in turn, increases endurance. Squat is unique in the fact it's effective both in low rep ranges (5-8) and in high rep ranges (15-20). Squat is one of the most basic exercises and we perform it every day without knowing it. In order to build tree trunk legs and add quality muscle mass; squat is a must.

Dead Lift- When it comes to packing on slabs of muscle, look no further! Dead lift is a monstrous exercise which works the entire body from neck to calves; while focusing on the back. Back muscles are very complex and that is why it is so important to include a compound lift such as dead lift to cover almost all of them in one motion. A massive back commands respect unlike any other muscle group. Dead lifting is a hardgainers gateway to the ultimate physique of their dreams due to its unmatched muscle growth stimulation.

Safety- As with all forms of weightlifting, proper techniques must be followed in order to ensure personal health as well as promote optimal muscle growth.

Hardgainer Workout routine- These three lifts are only the bare essentials for a progressive workout which should include various other exercises. In addition, proper nutrition is just as important as the actual workout. I would strongly advise you to follow a meal plan and workout plan designed for hardgainers/ectomorph body types.

Follow the link for more crucial tips on how to gain muscle mass as a hardgainer

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Cardio And Weight Training: Top Tips To Integrate Cardio Into Your Workout

Are you someone who is afraid to integrate cardio training into your workout? You are not alone. Many lifters do not want to do much cardio because it effects recovery time from their lifting workouts. When you are trying to build muscle mass quickly you do not want to do anything that may hinder your attempts.

Cardio can have two negative effects on your weight training and muscle building progress. First, as mentioned, it will slow recovery time since cardio works the muscles and the body and your body has to recover from it along with the recovery from the muscle building. Second, cardio uses calories that could have been used to build muscle.

The important thing to note here when it comes to calorie burning is that you have to be diligent in your calorie consumption. Your body is capable of building only a certain amount of muscle per day. If you are eating more calories than your body needs to build muscle then you are going to gain weight. You will actually need to burn those excess calories so you can keep your body fat levels down.

It is much easier to just watch your calorie consumption and not go above what you need instead of trying to use cardio to burn off the excess calories. However, if you want to add cardio to your muscle building routine then you need to do it smartly.

There are different options in cardio workouts that you can use. A moderate cardio workout is fine to add in on occasion. You don't want to be doing it for hour long periods five days a week as that would be too much. Aim for a consistent pace for about 20 to 40 minutes max. Interval training, often called high intensity interval training or HIIT, involves short bursts of high intensity throughout the workout. You alternate between the high intensity and rest throughout the workout. It is very intense on your body and works you hard. If you lift about four days a week then this will be too much cardio for you. If you want to try HIIT then do it only once a week.

The last type of cardio is the best option for weight training lifters that want to add in cardio without affecting their muscle building. It is called recovery training. Recovery training involves light cardio that really is done to improve circulation and not to burn fat. It is done for about 10 to 20 minutes and can be done the same day as a workout. If you are doing an intense muscle building routine then stick with recovery cardio.

Integrating cardio into your workout is done with care. You need to easy make cardio second in importance to your muscle building. You can use a light cardio workout to warm up before muscle building. This is the ideal option. You can also use it afterwards to loosen tight muscles and wind down from a workout.

If you must integrate cardio training along side your weight training workouts then be sure to do it right. You have to make sure it is not affecting your muscle building. Pay attention to your body. If you notice you lack energy for your weightlifting then back off the cardio for a while and see if that is what is affecting you. Any cardio you do is secondary and should be stopped if it is causing issues with your muscle building.

Steven Tyrie is an exercise science and general health and fitness expert who specializes in helping beginners reach their muscle building goals. To learn more FREE muscle building tips, sign up to the FREE BuildUpYourMuscles weekly newsletter or to download the complete 'Beginners Guide to Muscle Building' ebook just visit [].

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Arm Workouts - Killer Arm Workouts for Size and Shape

Most men love to have big biceps, for them having big biceps is a sign of strength. But having just big biceps is not enough these days. And, it's an unbalanced way of doing your workouts, and is only half a job on developing your arm muscles. Doing hundreds of curls in your garage just won't cut it. If you are after the look of a Greek god you have to focus on your whole body, not just your arms. But I will get into the other aspects for building a Greek god like body in another article.

For big killer looking arms you have to work out your triceps as well as your biceps. Your triceps are in fact a bigger muscle than your biceps, and build the back side of your arms out.

Building my arm muscles have always been a bit of a sticking point for me, until recently. I have (and still losing the little I have left) lost a lot of excess body fat with my eating style and my work outs. And I now focus on the areas I have hit a sticking point.

As I want to add some more muscle to my arm I spend one workout just on my triceps and another workout on my biceps to kick them out of the plateau I am in.

My Plateau beating workout for my arms is below:

Bicep Workout

Start heavy with Barbell curls. I do 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps. I want to fatigue my biceps as much as I can in this first exercise.

Next, Hammer curls. Again I do about 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps. Again I want to go heavy as I want that peak on my biceps.

Then, Supinating curls, these curls are when you start at the bottom with your palms facing inwards, then as you left you twist your palms till they face you at the top of the movement.

Finishing them off on the cable machine. Here I will do either straight curls of rope hammer curls but this time I will do 3 sets. 2 of these sets will be normal sets of 6-10 reps. The last set of the day will be to failure. I use the cable machine as you can go through the weights really quick until you can even lift you arm to scratch your head.

Triceps Workout

Same sort of routine for the biceps where I start heavy with, close grip bench press. As heavy as I can for 4 sets of 6-8 reps.

French press, or skull crushers. Again 4 sets of 6-8 reps.

Here I will do a super set. This is where you do one exercise then jump to the next without rest.
I will do cable push down teamed up with dumbbell kick back. Here I will do 3 to 4 sets of 6-8 reps.

That's its. This routine has helped me break through my plateau and helped me add some extra muscle to my arms.

Before I end this article, one thing I have to make, Do all your exercises with good form!

Anyone can swing the weight around, but this does nothing as to building strength and muscles to any body part. There are plenty of these gym monkeys around, don't be one of them.

1st4Fitness is... The No BS Magazine that Reveals the Things You Absolutely MUST Avoid if You Want to Reclaim Your Health and Achieve Your Ideal Body. Find out more at

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The 10 Best Arm Building Exercises for Beginning Bodybuilders

Everybody has fun with "Top 10" lists, and they sometimes contain information that you can actually use to improve your life or achieve a personal goal. If you're serious about building big, muscular arms, then this is the list for you! But before I give you my Top 10 list for arm-building success, let me explain my selection criteria.

First, the exercises on this list are simple and for beginners who need to start with a solid foundation in arm-building fundamentals in order to achieve long-term success from their biceps, triceps and forearm workouts. Though I've said that these exercises are simple, this does not mean that they're easy. Their simplicity lies in the intuitive benefits that come from each arm-building movement and the fact that you can do these exercises with a minimal time commitment. Getting the most from these exercises will still require careful attention to training technique and workout variety - the 2 keys to arm-building success that are not always easy for beginning bodybuilders.

In my experience, you're a beginner if you've been training your arms once or twice per week for 6 months or less. You're also a beginner if you been trying to build your arms for more than 6 months with exercises other than those provided on my list. Why? Because if you haven't mastered the arm-building exercises listed in my Top 10, you're not ready for the intermediate or advanced workout methods that you'll eventually need to build truly Awesome Arms.

Second, to make my Top 10 list, the equipment needed for each arm-building exercise must be universally available. That means that you can do all of these exercises with dumbbells, an EZ-curl bar and a basic workout bench which you can find in any gym or health club. You can also do these exercises at home with a very small investment in this equipment for your home gym. There's no need for fancy machines or trendy gimmicks here.

Finally, each of my Top 10 arm-building exercises will help you to simultaneously build mass, shape and power in your biceps, triceps and forearms. These muscle areas are directly targeted during each exercise to maximize growth and efficiency from your workouts.

Now that I've told you how I came up with my list, here are the Top 10 exercises for building the big, muscular arms that you desire! They're not listed in any particular order, so there's no reason to think that one particular exercise is better than another. You must decide what works best for you through experimentation with each exercise. But rest assured that any arm-building program that includes all of these exercises will definitely add inches, symmetry and power to your biceps, triceps and forearms.

1. EZ Bar Preacher Curls

The EZ bar preacher curl is one of my all time favorite biceps exercises. The preacher bench is a terrific training tool as it forces the biceps to work in relative isolation from the back and shoulders. Unlike standing barbell curls which usually involve biceps-cheating torso swing, preacher curls keep your arms at an angle that forces your biceps to provide the leverage needed to lift the weight. The EZ curl bar offers both narrow-grip and wide-grip hand positions. When you use the narrow grip, your hands are in a semi-neutral position and therefore increase involvement of the brachioradialis in the curling motion. If you have no experience with preacher curls, you should probably begin with the narrow-grip position.

As you become more experienced with this exercise you should move to the wider grip as it forces supination or a "palms up" positioning of your hands. Since the biceps function primarily as a hand-supinator, the more you supinate your hands the more resistance you will place on your biceps. If you've got the potential to build biceps peaks, EZ bar preacher curls will certainly tap that potential.

2. Dumbbell Preacher Curls

The dumbbell preacher curl is another one of my favorite biceps builders. This exercise really allows you to make the mind-body connection so essential to arm-building success. While many competitive bodybuilders use this exercise exclusively as a "shaper" during pre-contest training, the dumbbell preacher curl also works as a tremendous mass builder when used in a pyramid cycle. In fact, this exercise is the best high intensity bodybuilding movement for simultaneously adding size and shape to your biceps.

3. Dumbbell Concentration Curls

As the name suggests, this exercise places concentrated resistance on the biceps when performed properly. Besides building your biceps, this exercise also stresses and develops the brachialis. The brachialis is a true forearm flexor. It originates on the lower anterior surface of the humerus, ends on the anterior surface of the coronoid process of the ulna (the large bone on the inside of the forearm) and is visible on the outside of the upper arm between the biceps and the lateral head of the triceps. Development of the brachialis and biceps gives the front of your upper arms that thick, dense look that says "mess with me at your own risk!!"

4. Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls

This exercise is one of the best biceps builders ever as long as you sit on a bench that has a back rest to prevent torso movement. Too many people do this exercise either standing or sitting on a bench without back support. In order to make sure that your biceps get the most work from this movement you must stabilize your torso so as to prevent any jerking motion. Also, remember to supinate your hands throughout each repetition to stimulate maximum growth for your biceps.

5. EZ Bar Triceps Extensions

This exercise, also known as "Skull crushers" is a terrific mass-builder for your triceps. For maximum growth, EZ bar triceps extensions require that you keep your upper arms in a position perpendicular (90 degrees) to the exercise bench throughout each repetition. If this position causes you any elbow strain or discomfort, you can lower the angle by moving your arms slightly forward to reduce the stress on your elbows. Don't worry - making this minor adjustment won't impede your ability to get the benefits of this exercise.

You should also place your hands in the narrow-grip position on the EZ bar which, when combined with proper arm position, ensures that each triceps head receives maximum resistance throughout the exercise motion. Lower and extend the weight in a smooth, continuous motion without jerking or swinging the bar with your back or shoulders. When done correctly, you can't beat EZ bar triceps extensions for building big, muscular triceps.

6. Triceps Pushups

You're probably familiar with standard pushups which are performed with your arms in a shoulder width position. While standard pushups involve the triceps, chest and shoulders in the "pushing" motion, triceps pushups are designed to minimize chest and shoulder involvement so as to maximize training resistance on the triceps. This exercise is deceptively simple in that it appears to the untrained eye as just another pushup. But like every exercise on my Top 10 list, technique is extremely important and proper hand position determines whether these pushups will add muscular inches to your triceps.

For proper performance, take a standard pushup position with your hands and arms extended and shoulder-width apart. Then slide your hands closer together until your thumbs nearly touch each other. This is the starting position. With your hands in this position, slowly lower your arms underneath you and then push yourself back up to the starting position as you would with regular pushups. Make sure that you keep your back straight and your head up for maximum resistance on your triceps. As you extend your arms, concentrate mentally on maintaining proper form and technique with each repetition. For added resistance or pyramid cycles, have a training buddy gently place a 5-10 pound barbell plate on your back to force your triceps to work harder and build greater mass.

7. Seated Triceps Dips

Seated triceps dips are another terrific triceps builder, yet I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen anyone doing them in the gym. Maybe people ignore them because, like triceps pushups, they look too simple to do any good. Well, the proof, as they say, is in the pudding, and seated triceps dips have certainly added considerable power and density to my triceps.

To do this exercise, sit on a workout bench with your legs together and extended on the floor in front of you. Your arms should be fully extended and shoulder-width apart behind you. Slide your body slightly forward to suspend yourself so that your arms are bearing your bodyweight between the bench and the floor. With your arms extended, lower yourself as though to sit on the floor and then push yourself back up by extending your arms and returning to the starting position. This exercise, when performed properly, will add tremendous power, shape and definition to your triceps - guaranteed!

8. Single-Arm Triceps Extension

The single-arm triceps extension, also known as the "French dumbbell press" is a triceps-builder that I recommend primarily as a shaping movement. Although it is possible to build mass with this exercise, the over-head arm position may prevent you from using sufficient weight to generate the type of power and mass-building potential available from Skull crushers and triceps pushups. You should experiment with this exercise and use it in a manner that gives you the best results. But remember, I do not recommend using heavy weight with this movement because of the risk of shoulder injury. Consistent use of light-to-moderate weight will provide the best results from this triceps builder.

9. Reverse-Grip EZ Bar Curls

This exercise puts primary stress on the brachioradialis and extensor muscles of the dorsal or outer surface of your forearms. Since your hands are pronated in the narrow-grip position, your wrists are extended which forces involvement of the extensor carpi radialis and extensor carpi ulnaris. This pronated or "palms down" positioning of the hands also takes the biceps out of this exercise, which isolates the brachioradialis as the primary forearm flexor. If you're serious about building big, muscular forearms, reverse-grip EZ bar curls are a good first step.

10. Wrist Curls

Wrist curls work to develop the two large muscles on the inside portion of the anterior surface of the forearm. These muscles, the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi radialis, are the wrist flexors and combine to form a thick, muscular region from the elbow to the lower forearm. While these muscles do considerable work during your biceps curling movements, wrist curls isolate these flexors so as to maximize resistance on this section of your forearms. If you want to add thickness and power to your inner forearms, heavy wrist curls will do the job.

So, there you have it - my Top 10 list of arm-building exercises for beginning bodybuilders. Try them, have fun with them, and make sure that you use safe amounts of weight and proper training technique with every exercise. You'll be very happy with the results!

Mark G. Winston, "The Master Gunslinger," is author of the ground-breaking training manual, "GO For Your GUNS – 7 Simple Secrets to AWESOME ARMS.” He has also created, a bodybuilding and fitness website dedicated entirely to helping you build big, muscular arms. The book will be available in September 2007 and jammed with workouts and training techniques to help you build the big, muscular arms that you deserve! To learn about the GO For Your GUNS bodybuilding system and get free arm training tips that really work, visit []

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Arm Workout Routine For More Size and Strength

Pop open any popular muscle magazine and you are going to get an arm workout routine in almost every issue. The fact is that men just love to work out their arms and show off the big guns. I can't say I'm any different, having big arms is very important to me and I do what I can to keep building bigger biceps and triceps.

That being said there is a huge difference between my arm workout routine and those you will find in the magazines. Now I'm not some massive gorilla but I do have a pretty impressive 16" arm measurement even though my arms are pretty long. What's more impressive than the raw measurement is that I have grown them a full inch in the last 5 weeks doing absolutely no isolated arm exercises at all.

Now before we dive into what arm workout routine I actually do, let's hit the facts about muscle development. Without being scientific about it, here is what happens. You go lift some weights, muscles get damaged, then you rest and eat and your body repairs the muscles. Your body is pretty smart so it attempts to build them back stronger than before so they are not damaged as easily. That's the process in a nutshell.

Your upper arm is essentially made up of 5 major muscles. In your triceps there are 3 major muscles and in your biceps there are 2. These muscles are used to extend and contract your arm. Now from your bodies point of view it can really care less what you did to extend or contract your arm it just know you did it and tore down some of the muscle in the process. Once the damage is done the body is going to get to work fixing you up so that next time this happens it can better deal with the stress.

Since our goal is bigger arms we want to teach our body that we need stronger and therefore bigger arms in order to handle this kind of stress. To teach our body to focus on bigger stronger arms we need to hit our arms with heavy weights and low reps.

Fair enough, I don't think anyone would really disagree with those points too much but here is where we start to part ways. The muscle magazines will tell you the best way to stress the muscles in your arms is to hit them with an arm workout routine consisting of 3 sets of 8 of about 3 different movements for your triceps, and three different movements for your biceps. Some programs have an arm workout day, others split the triceps and biceps into separate days based on the push/pull breakup. I personally think both are a waste of time and I'll tell you why.

Your arms have fairly small muscles compared to the larger muscles of your chest and back. Your triceps assist in pushing motions and your biceps assist in pull motions. They are assistant muscles not muscles to be targeted directly. Have you ever seen someone with a massive chest and back with tiny little arms? I haven't and unless you run across someone with some kind of weird medical condition I doubt you will either. I guess if all you ever did was the pectoral fly machine you could build a chiseled chest without involving your arms too much but it would be a very long road to take with minimal results.

This is why my arm workout routine consists of no direct arm work at all. I follow strength training programs like starting strength, Westside Barbell, 5/3/1, and variations of those programs which focus on the big compound lifts and minimal to no assistant work. For the last 5 weeks I have been doing the following:

I have consistently added weight to my lifts and while doing so I have added an inch to my arms, 2 inches to my chest, and 2 inches to my thighs. My bench press has went up 50 pounds and my waist has shrunk by 1.5 inches. So there you have it, the best arm workout routine that involves absolutely no curls or press-downs. Don't take my word for it, give it a try yourself and see what happens.

Be sure to check out for information about free weight lifting routines. For those of you short on time you can download The Fitness Guide for Busy Professionals free and learn how to squeeze the most out of your day.

Be sure to sign up for my mailing list to get all updated articles and offers!

Till the Next Time, Brad Gatewood

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Recommended Nutrition and Diet For a Speed and Agility Training Program

When starting a speed and agility training program many of today's athletes ignore one of the most important aspects of achieving desired results, and that is diet and nutrition. Too many young athletes tend to eat too much fast food and not pay attention to what they are eating throughout the day.

To get the most out of a speed and agility workout the best place to start when it comes to nutrition and diet is a well balanced meal. All meals throughout the day should contain food from all four food groups. If this is not possible then make sure that throughout the day your diet has contained portions from all four food groups.

To enhance your diet to deal with the sufficiently high physical demands of sports training, which requires a high rate of energy production, you will need to increase your carbohydrate intake. Whatever sport or training you are participating in, this type of energy production can only be achieved by the breakdown of carbohydrates. This means that players should pay particular attention to this aspect of their diet - more especially when considering the notorious drills of speed and agility programs, especially when athletes are given no guidance about what to eat. The heavy training schedule that most speed and agility training involves, only serves to increase the need for carbohydrate intake.

When discussing this subject, it is usual to express the form of the energy consumed as percentages (proportions) eaten as carbohydrate, fat and protein. While the typical diet for the general population is about 40% carbohydrate, 45% fat and 15% protein, the recommended dietary proportions for a soccer player (who training is very strenuous and well rounded) would be roughly 65% carbohydrate, 20% fat and 15% protein, according to Peak Performance Newsletter.

The ingestion of essential amino acids immediately after exercise increases protein synthesis, meaning greater muscle and (provided you're training 'properly') more power. A very important point in protein ingestion is the timing - if you're taking any protein shakes or bars, take it asap after exercise.

Provided you're eating a well balanced, energy sufficient diet, creatine supplementation has also been shown to improve repeated sprint ability as previously discussed in the Vitamins and supplement article.

Some information used in this article was gathered from the Peak Performance newsletter.


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Post Workout Nutrition: Secrets to a Hard, Lean Body

As you've probably heard before, your post-workout meal may very well be your most important meal of the day. The reason is that when you're finished with an intense workout, you're entering a catabolic state where your muscle glycogen is depleted and increased cortisol levels are beginning to excessively break down muscle tissue. These conditions are not good and the only way to reverse this catabolic state (and promote an anabolic state) is to consume a quickly digestible post-workout meal as soon as you can after training. The goal is to choose a meal with quickly digestible carbs to replenish muscle glycogen as well as quickly digestible protein to provide the amino acids needed to jump start muscular repair. The surge of carbohydrates and amino acids from this quickly digested meal promotes an insulin spike from the pancreas, which shuttles nutrients into the muscle cells.

The post-workout meal should generally contain between 300-500 calories to get the best response. For example, a 120-lb female may only need a 300-calorie meal, whereas a 200-lb male may need a 500-calorie post-workout meal. Your post-workout meal should also contain anywhere from a 2:1 ratio of carbs:protein to a 4:1 ratio of carbs:protein. While most of your other daily meals should contain a source of healthy fats, keep the fat content of your post-workout meal to a bare minimum, since fat slows the absorption of the meal, which is the opposite of what you want after a workout.

When choosing what to make for your post-workout meal, the first thing to realize is that you DON'T need any of these expensive post-workout supplement formulations that the magazines (who advertise for them) will tell you that you absolutely NEED! As with any nutritional strategies, natural is always better. A good source of quickly digestible natural carbs such as frozen bananas, pineapples, raisins, honey, or organic maple syrup are perfect to elicit an insulin response that will promote muscle glycogen replenishment and a general anabolic (muscle building) effect. The best source of quickly digestible protein is a quality non-denatured whey protein isolate and/or some fat-free or low-fat yogurt. Here are a couple ideas for delicious post-workout smoothies that will kick start your recovery process:

Chocolate Banana - blend together 1 cup water, ½ cup skim milk, one and a half frozen bananas, 2 tbsp organic maple syrup, and 30 grams chocolate whey protein powder - 38 g prot, 72 g carb, 0.5 g fat, 440 calories.

Pineapple Vanilla - blend together 1 cup water, ½ cup vanilla yogurt, one cup frozen pineapples, 2 tbsp honey (preferably raw), and 30 grams vanilla whey protein powder - 35 g prot, 71 g carb, 0.5 g fat, 425 calories.

When looking to lose body fat, keep in mind that post-workout meals should have the opposite characteristics of all of your other meals throughout each day. While post-workout meals should have quick high glycemic index carbs, quickly digested proteins, and minimal fat, all of your other meals throughout the day should be comprised of low glycemic index, slowly digested carbs, slow release proteins, and ample healthy fats. These are powerful strategies towards developing a lean muscular body with a low body fat percentage. Another great thing about post-workout meals is that you can satisfy even the worst sweet tooth, since this is the one time of the day where you can get away with eating extra sugars without adding to your gut. Instead, it all goes straight to the muscles! Enjoy!

Visit to receive your own personalized metabolic rate calculator as well as 4 of my secret hard-body workout routines - both FREE, with no purchase necessary.

Michael Geary is a nationally dual certified personal trainer (NCSF-CPT, AFAA-CPT), and author of "The Truth about Six Pack Abs" ©2004-2005.

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The 3 Best Abs Exercises For Building That 6 Pack

In recent years there has been a revolution in the emphasis we place on our bodies. With all the diet pills, powders and potions on the market, it's no wonder we are heavier as a nation than we have ever been in history. One of the things that we all seem to desire is a perfectly flat and well toned abdominal area. In this article we will briefly look at creating that perfect six-pack and the three best abs exercises.

There are primarily two reasons why we want to look good. Firstly we want to look good because it makes us feel good. When you feel good about your body it gives you an inner sense of pride and esteem for your 'self'. Secondly, we want to look good to others because this makes us more attractive to them. In our culture there seems to be an emphasis on looking good and it is one of those things we value. A great body is something that is both valued and admired and looking good obviously makes you feel more 'worthy' and admired.

Well toned abdominal muscles (abs) or a six-pack, as it is commonly referred to, is in many ways a symbol of health and fitness. Mainly because it is probably the most problematic area of anyone's body. We therefore value it highly and someone with six-pack abs must be incredibly committed, healthy, fit and strong - or at least that is the 'hidden' reasoning behind it and that is why you subconsciously want great abs. So, how do you get those great abs? Here are the three best abs exercises:

Best Abs Exercise #1 - Sit-Ups

This is the one that everybody seems to know about but the majority of people do wrong. Remember that the smallest adjustments can make all the difference and we want our workouts to be as effective as possible to get the most out of every minute we exercise. Here's how to do proper sit ups:

Lie flat on the floor with your legs stretched out and your arms beside you. Lift your knees up by bringing your feet closer towards your body - about the distance from your heels to your carve muscle. Cross your hands over your chest and lift your body all the way up so that even your lower back lifts off the floor. Stay there for about 3 seconds and then gently lower yourself. Repeat about 20 of these in 3 to 4 sets, but don't strain yourself - especially if you haven't done it for a while. As you build your ab muscles you can start making it more challenging by sitting on an inclined bench or by holding a weight over your chest.

Best Abs Exercise #2 - Crunches

Once again, lying flat on your back, pull your legs towards your body slightly. With your arms crossed over your chest tighten your abs by 'pulling' your abdomen towards your spine as you inhale. Now lift your shoulders off the floor and don't lift your body all the way up - you just need to lift your shoulders to tighten your abs. As you lift your shoulders you want to exhale. Stay there for about 3 seconds and gently lower your shoulders. In the lowered position you should relax your abs. Now repeat.

The key here is to focus only on your abdominal area as you do this. Flexing your abs and proper breathing is essential - remember that your breathing originates in your abdomen with your diaphragm. Repeat 10 to 20 times and do 3 to 4 sets of these.

Best Abs Exercise #3 - Leg Lifts

Your abs are a very important muscle group as it is a 'pivot point' in your body. With leg lifts we use this deliberately to tone our abs. Lie flat on your back with your legs extended and your arms beside you. Place your hands flat on the floor beside you and in this position, with your legs straight, lift your legs up as far as you can. Preferably your legs should be up in a 90 degree angle with the floor, but this might be difficult for some at first. Then, slowly lower your legs, but do not let your feet touch the ground. Repeat 10 to 20 times and do 3 to 4 sets of these.

These three exercises are by no means the only way to get great abs. In my opinion they are the best abs exercises, but you still have to combine them with proper cardiovascular exercise like running, swimming or cycling as it will help you loose weight while also targeting the abdominal muscles. And last, but not least, you have to control your diet. Fatty foods tend to 'gather' around the abdominal area which might make your workouts worthless.

Article by Deon Du Plessis
For more information on how to build that perfect set of abs faster than you ever though possible, visit [] for more information and practical tips. You can also get your FREE exercise and nutritional guide to get you started on your way to perfect abs.

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