3 Tummy Trimming Exercises to Do at Home to Get a Flat Belly

What are 3 of the best tummy trimming exercises that you can do at home without any equipment in order to help you flatten your belly in a short time? In this article, I'll share with you the correct technique to do these exercises so you can get started working on your abs today.

Tummy exercise 1 - Scissors

This is an awesome exercise that you can do on a mat, floor or carpet. Lie fully stretched out on the floor with your arms by your sides. Lift both legs about 3 inches in the air but keep them stretched. Place one foot slightly above the other so they're criss-crossed at the ankles. Hold them in the air by clenching your abs. Begin switching between your legs so that one is above the other back and forth. Pretty soon, you will feel like your abs are on fire. This works the central abs and the lower abs for a complete tummy workout. Try it out and you'll see what I mean.

Tummy Exercise 2 - Reverse Crunches

To do this awesome low and upper abs exercise, you lie on the floor and bend both legs. Lift your feet slightly into the air and place both hands beneath your buttocks. By clenching your tummy muscles, bring both knees toward your chest. You may lift your buttocks a bit as you do this but don't overdo the movement. Go back to the starting position slowly but don't let your feet touch the floor until you finish your set.

Tummy exercise 3 - The plank

This last home tummy exercise is a static one. However, it is also very effective. To do the plank you need to lie face down on the floor. Then, raise yourself on your toes and forearms and hold this position. Maintain a straight back and neck and breathe normally. Pretty soon you will feel your abs straining like mad. This is how intensive the Plank is.

For more home ab exercises visit Tummy Trimming Exercises
For an excellent way to get flat abs visit Truth About Abs
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

3 Exercises to Help Get You a Flat Stomach!

If you are wanting a flat stomach then you have got to train your body to have one, period! You can't buy a flat stomach, take a pill for one, or expect some fad diet to help you get rid of it. Even if you try these things its only temporary and you'll have nothing to show for it other than being out a lot of money and your health is in the toilet. This is not the route you want to go. You can do the following. I know you can because my clients and me do this all the time. Check out the following 3 exercises that will help you get rid of your stomach.

Exercises To Get A Flat Stomach!

1. Burpees: The burpee is a total body calisthenic that will help you develop a superior level of both muscular and cardiovascular endurance. To execute this drill you will need nothing more than your own body weight and the willingness to work. The burpee consists of 3 steps. Step 1 involves you standing with your feet at shoulder width apart in length and then crouching down to place your hands on the ground. Step 2 involves you kicking your feet back behind you extending your body into an upright push up position. Step 3 involves you executing a normal push up. Finally, step 4 involves you kicking your feet back up underneath your body after the push up in order to position yourself to stand up. All 4 of these steps consist of a single repetition. This is a great exercise for eliminating those love handles.

2. Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell swings are the base strength endurance lift that you can perform with this ancient device. This particular lift is highly effective for helping you to lose belly fat. In order to pull this off you will need the availability of at least a single bell. Start the drill by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat and pick up the bell with both arms and allow it to hang at your groin. From here make sure to tighten your abs and start to continuously flex and extend at both your hips and knees in order to create the momentum to swing the bell back and forth in an arc like motion. As the bell builds more momentum allow it to elevate to at least chest level. Make sure to lock out at both your hips and knees at the top of every swing lift. This is a flat tummy exercise if I have ever seen one.

3. Squat Jumps: For this drill you going to be using nothing more than your own body weight. Begin this exercise by standing with your feet at shoulder width apart. Start by executing a counter-movement with your arms by allowing them to swing back with your hips as your rear descends down into the squat. As you reach the bottom of the squat you are then going to forcefully swing your arms forward while, at the same time, you explosively extend at your hips, knees, and ankles to lift your body off of the ground. When you land make sure to do so from heel to toe and recoil your body by flexing at these three major joints (hips, knees, ankles). This recoiled position helps you to absorb the impact of landing, sets you up for the next jump, and helps you to execute the jumps all in continuous succession without interruption.

If you haven't already started to implement these 3 exercises into your belly fat loss campaign then your program is lacking. Take the time to learn more by accessing more of my articles on subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Richey

Tightening Up Your Stomach - Exercises For That Flat Belly You've Always Wanted

Flattening your belly can do wonders for you. Without sounding overly vain, a flat belly makes all the difference in the world about your physical appearance.

Flattening your stomach consists of two types of exercises. Start off with these exercises to get your abs nice and taut:

Leg lifts do a great job of working out the lower abdominal area. Lie on your back and slowly lift your legs together as high as you can bring them. Take at least a second or two to move them through their full range of motion, and the same amount of time to return them to the ground. In addition to giving your muscles a great workout, this also helps smooth out flat spots in your leg and ab strength.

Scissor kicks are another great stomach exercise. Lying again on your back, lift both legs off the ground a few inches. Make quick kicking motions, bringing each leg up to about 45 degrees, and returning it almost to floor level.

After you've gotten your stomach muscles nice and loosened up, it's time to take a quick jog. Once or twice during your jogging session, work in a 30 to 60 second sprint, to bring your heart rate up. This boosts your metabolism and helps burn off the fat around your mid-section, showing your toned stomach.

The fight against flab doesn't stop there, though. Take a look at what you eat and see if you can remove or replace fatty foods or anything with empty calories. Almost everybody's diet has quite a few sources of massive and needless extra intake of fat or calories.

There's more! Take a look at these fitness programs [http://www.self-help-info.net/top-fitness-program-reviews.html] for more in-depth information on fixing your diet and tightening up your body. Toning your muscles can be difficult at times, but it's definitely worth it, so take some time to read up on those fitness guides. Your body deserves it!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susan_L_Roberts

Flat Belly Workouts - 2 Exercises That Will Flatten Your Stomach

Here's 2 excellent exercises that you can do to lose fat in your stomach. You can do these exercises while at home in no time at all. It will only take you no more than 15 minutes to complete each workout. To be quite honest, getting a flat belly is not as hard as many make it out to be. I am going to share a couple of things you can do to flatten your stomach in 15 minutes or less. So, take 2 minutes and read this article carefully if you want great looking abs.

1. Resistance band ab pull

If you don't own a pair of resistance bands, get one. This thing flat out works. Resistance Bands are great for toning and tightening your abs. Here's what to do. Tie one end of the band around a secure immovable object like your door knob or a post and get down on your knees. Grab the other end of the band and pull it toward your knees while you do a crunch. HINT: pulling the band toward your knees will put a lot of pressure on your abs. Don't quit as it will burn.

I recommend that you do this exercise 3 times a week. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

2. Stomach Plank

The abdominal plank is a great exercise for many people to do because it develops the lower and upper abdominal muscle all at once. Here's what you must do to perform this exercise correctly. Get on your toes while you are lying face down on the floor. Now stabilize yourself on both forearms. Hold that position for as long as you can. Do this exercise 3 times through for as long as you can. Try doing the plank 3 times a week for maximum results.

These two exercises are awesome stomach workouts that will do a great deal of good for your belly when done consistently.

E.L Forestal is a Fat Loss Expert, Former college football All-American. His popular workout program, Fat Loss Workout Bands [http://www.fatlossworkoutband.com/] has helped thousands of men and women lose fat, while cutting their workout time in half. Click [http://www.fatlossworkoutband.com/] for your FREE bonus book "10 Rules Of Fat Burning" and FREE "Flat Abs" mini course

If you're really serious about losing pounds, then go and download your bonus book now. If you follow the 10 rules exactly as I've written them and take no shortcuts, you'll lose weight fast... I'd be SHOCKED if you didn't lose 10 pounds in your first 10 days!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edith_Forestal

When Is The Best Time To Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat?

Whatever your preferences, there are a huge variety of exercise programs available for people who are looking to exercise to lose some weight from their stomach. So, once you have found a program that you like or a new one that you want to try when is the best time to exercise to reduce belly fat?

Morning or afternoon exercise sessions each have distinctive benefits. Our bodies are governed by our internal circadian rhythm, which is your body's clock. It regulates the body's chemical and hormonal production and metabolism along an approximate 24 hour period. This lets you sleep when it is sleep time and become active when it is time for that.

Your circadian rhythm affects your heart rate, body temperature and hormone levels which are all essential to a successful exercise program.

While medical professionals are split on whether there is an ideal time of day to exercise, morning and afternoon exercise sessions each have distinctive benefits.

Exercising in the morning

While there is not enough scientific evidence to support this claim, the main benefit to morning exercise to reduce belly fat is that that you will burn more calories exercising on an empty stomach. Exercise raises your metabolic rate for hours after your workout. Your metabolic rate is the amount of calories your body burns at rest for basic functioning, so with a morning workout you are getting the benefits during the day when you eat. Plus, people who work out first thing in the morning may be less likely to forget their diets during the day.

Also, research has shown that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to stick with their exercise program in the long run. If you have full time job and a family you will know that there are always things to be done during the day. If you leave your workout until later in the day, there is more temptation to push it back or miss it entirely due to more pressing or important things that have to be done.

Exercising in the afternoon

If you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, afternoon workouts are definitely the best option for you, as your enthusiasm to be exercising in the gym or swimming in the pool will be pretty low.

To get the most out of any exercise to reduce belly fat, you need to be committed both physically and mentally.

There is some evidence that working out in the afternoon gives you an added performance boost. While everyone's circadian rhythm is different, our bodies tend to be warmest in the afternoon, increasing blood flow and flexibility. So, if you prefer complicated, difficult exercise programs like cycling or dance-style classes, it may be best to do them in the afternoon, when your muscles are warmest and there is a lower risk of injury.

There is no overall agreement as to when during the day you should workout for maximum results to reduce belly fat but there are considerations to consider for both a morning and an afternoon exercise program.

If you exercise in the morning, ensure that you warm-up, as your muscles will be cool and stiff after sleeping. If you exercise in the afternoon you need to be conscientious about not missing your workout. Researchers, dieticians and scientists are agreed on one thing though. Rather than being concerned about what is the best time of day to exercise, you need find a good exercise program and stick to it consistently.

Do you want to know more on how to lose your fat belly? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to learn the best workout techniques plus receive nutritional tips for fat loss, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for a lean body? Discover the most popular program on the internet that truthfully shows you how to get flat a flat stomach with a safe, proven and long lasting system at http://howtogetflatabsfast.org/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Allo

The Best Six-Pack Abs Exercises

The perfect set of six pack abs is a common goal that many gym enthusiasts work towards. When you visit a gym, you will traditionally see a vast group of people trudging along on the treadmill or lying on the sit-up boards performing crunches and other 'six-pack abs exercises'. But are these types of workouts really the answer for maximum fat loss?

According to recent research, the answer is no. The best way to achieve a flatter belly in the least amount of time is through variable intensity training - a form of exercise that stresses a variety of short, intense movements rather than a sustained workout at a slower pace.

Six Pack Abs Exercises: High Intensity Interval Training

Research confirms that cardio is not the best direction to take when pursuing six-pack abs. But before you get too excited about being able to ditch these dreaded exercises, keep in mind that the six pack abs exercises we are about to describe are much tougher than traditional cardio, although they take less time to perform.

Six pack abs exercises like crunches and sit-ups can be great as part of an overall workout strategy, but they are not effective in attacking belly fat on their own.

High intensity interval training, much like the name suggests, is a collection of short and intense exercises that work the entire body. They help to boost your metabolism and burn fat quickly. Workouts usually last 5-10 minutes in entirety, but should be performed up to 5 times a day for maximum results.

Interval training usually combines resistance training (using weights or your own body mass for resistance) with interval training (doing several exercises successively with only a small break in between exercises). These exercises could include push-ups, lunges, bodyweight and bar squats, mountain climbers, dumbbell presses, leg curls, floor and stability ball planks and dumbbell curls. This type of circuit training works every part of the body and increases the metabolic rate to maximize fat loss.

Once you are adequately conditioned through interval training, a great way to target your midsection for great looking six-pack abs is to add short sprints to your workout routine. These could include wind sprints, hill sprints, swimming sprints and jump rope. Unlike traditional cardio where you run, walk or swim for up to an hour at a time with low intensity, these exercises require you to give maximum exertion for brief stints of time. These exercises may be difficult at first, but once you begin to see the results they just might become the favorite part of your workout.

If you truly want to achieve six-pack abs, ask yourself this: How many people do you know with great abs, and of those you do know, how many of them achieved this great-looking midsection with cardio and crunches alone? Very few, if any, right? That's because most cardio and other abs routines are not effective at burning fat, especially stubborn belly fat. High intensity interval training will give you the look you want in the shortest amount of time and will leave you feeling full of energy and self-confidence.

For lots more examples of six pack abs exercises [http://www.burnfatgetmuscle.com/six-pack-abs-exercises] and workout routines, head over to www.BurnFatGetMuscle.com [http://www.burnfatgetmuscle.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dean_Carter

The Best Six Pack Abs Exercises

If you want to rack up six pack abdominals, you must have bore down various six pack exercises. I doubt if any of those have been helpful in giving you the toned and ripped abs that you long for. Ever since the fad for six pack abs has taken over the world, there has been an outburst of machines, devices and workout routines for toning abs. Some of them work well, while others simply don't. Thus, it is very difficult to determine which would work the best for you.

What are the Best Six Pack Abs Exercises?

Six pack abs exercisers and experts have agreed upon three best six pack abs exercises. These include:

• The bicycle maneuver

• Crunches on a floor or a mat, or even on an exercise ball

The captain's chair

They are the most ideal six pack abs exercise workouts for both lower and upper abs.

These best exercises are easy to do and cost nothing, since they need no equipment. For bicycle maneuver, there is no need of any device or machine. However, the crunches can be done effectively on an exercise ball, but it is also effective without it.

Observations prove that these three best six pack exercises have shown perfect results for many. They are even better than gadgets and machines available in the market for getting six pack abdominals.

Moving on to the third best exercise, the captain's chair, we see that although it needs an equipment but it is as easy as a pie. You can find this equipment at almost all well-equipped gyms.

Looking for Six Pack Abs Machines?

Although, most experts affirm that machines are less effective as compared to six pack abs exercises, but as the modern world love to rely on machine, their significance cannot be challenged.

The Torso Track has been found to be helpful in toning the perfect six pack abdominals that you yearn for. It offers the same advantage as do the above mentioned six pack exercises - working both the lower and the upper abs, along with the side muscles of your abs.

If you can afford to buy a machine and if you feel more comfortable on machines, then you must go for Torso Track for getting those perfectly carved out ripped six pack that you crave for. Most people are accustomed to the use of machines and they seem to lose track and discipline of their workout plan if there is no machine. For them, this could be a perfect alternative.

David is a leading expert in Six Pack Workout [http://getfitandeatright.com/six-pack-workout-basic.html]. If you would like to learn more ways in how to get a ripped six pack abdominal visit, Get Six Pack Abs [http://getfitandeatright.com/how-to-get-six-pack-abs-2.html]

David Britto

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Britto

Obesity and the Truth About Six Pack Abs - The Best Hack I Learned From Mike Geary

I was in a forum somewhere sharing thoughts about how Mike's program, the Truth about Six Pack Abs, helped me with my last 50 pounds of weight loss...after I had hit a plateau doing my own thing at home, using only my knowledge as a trainer to lose the 100 plus pounds of fat I had packed on; and I realized that the one thing I learned from Mike wasn't about fitness, or even dieting, per se.

In his most recent version of his eponymous The Truth About Six Pack Abs, he is as concise and articulate as ever about the value diet in the grand scheme of seeing that six pack. He points out, time and time again, that it doesn't matter how many ab exercises you do - if you don't get your nutrition in line, and if you can't do the core exercises (squat, deadlift, bench press, front squat), you aren't going to see those abs.

In fact, the point he hit home, and what finally made the difference to me over 2.5 years ago, is - its ALL about the food. For EVERYONE. I know - that seems very obvious - almost cheeky - but its dead on. Even those very rare 2-3 percent that he talks about, the smallest amount of the population that can actually see their abs, and the ones we are all trying to join. While they "might" be genetically gifted, the truth is that they have to be very lean to have their abs exposed, and the ONLY thing that gets the abs exposed, or keeps them exposed is a low body fat percentage.

He is honest when he states that some men can start to see the ridges in their abdominal muscles around 10-12 percent, with that six or eight pack showing at 4-8 percent. He is also very upfront stating that it is very difficult for most people to stay that low in body fat percentage. Women generally can look trim in the 14-16 percent range, where they looked shredded at 8-10 percent, based on the difference in body fat distribution. But again, he emphasizes that no amount of exercise can get you there, if your diet isn't dialed in.

And while I, admittedly, have not attained the elusive 8-10 percent body fat (YET) to see my abdominal muscles, Mike's Truth about Six Pack Abs, and his sincerity in helping people realize that diet is the key to making it happen - not some special exercise, supplement or powder, really helps me to realize I can get there too; even at 45 years of age, if I keep focusing on what and how I am eating.

The sad reality is that I spent nearly 30 years of my life, including my college education and my training and certification as a personal trainer, trying to figure out what workouts I needed to do, to eat what I wanted to eat...when the simplest way to look at it was eating for health and body weight...and doing exercise to feel strong and fit. All of that for $39 dollar? Sometimes it is hard to believe the answers can be so simple....

If you want to change the way your body looks - without spending hundreds of dollars on personal trainers - try Mike's program. It's sound, logical, honest and EFFECTIVE.

Erin Carraway is the founder of Obesity Free for Life.com - a website dedicated to enhancing the lives of the overweight and the obese. While she was obese for nearly her entire adult life, she learned some simple, and safe tricks to change her eating and her life forever. Now as a certified personal trainer and health specialist, she coaches others by phone and email about safe, permanent weight loss using everything she learned. She will teach you how to safely lose massive amounts of weight for the rest of your life. Learn more at [http://www.obesityfreeforlife.com]


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erin_Carraway

3 Unusual Tips To Lose Stomach Fat And Get Flat Abs Fast

When you think of 3 unusual tips to lose stomach fat and get flat abs, what do you picture? Most would say a gadget or 10 min routine you can do everyday that will pop a couple abs on your belly?

Am I right?

Well, I'm not going to do that. In fact, I'm going to give you some pretty bare and, yes, unusual tips to lose that stomach fat. The first comes in the form of eating high amounts of good fats. Now, what I'm going to say might be a little controversial maybe even a little edgy but follow me here...

Eating whole eggs and fatty meats don't make you fat. In, fact they do the exact opposite. Take for example whole eggs, preferably the Omega 3 eggs, are one of the most nutritious foods in the planet.

They are loaded with proteins, amino acids and lots of vitamin E. Plus many more nutrients and minerals that would take a whole other page to explain. And the myth about egg yolks raising cholesterol is true... They raise your good cholesterol! Your body needs cholesterol to operate if you don't feed it cholesterol your body will create its own.

So eat your whole eggs frequently and you will see great results in losing stomach fat. Next big tip revolves around eating beef! Now, most beef is really unhealthy for you and contains hormones and all sorts of other junk! Don't fall into buying that junk, instead buy grass fed organic beef. Grass fed beef is very different in profile.

Grass fed beef has high amounts of CLA, which is a trans fat that is so effective at burning fat that supplement companies have started mass producing it and selling it all over the world. So add grass fed beef to your diet to lose stomach fat. My next unusual tip has to do weight lifting.

Don't do traditional ab exercises or any stomach exercises! Stick with lifting hard and heavy. Keeping your sets between 4 to 6 reps. This will stimulate the most muscle fibers possible. Which will build you a solid base of muscle fibers, sky rocketing your metabolism because muscle is the #1 factor in how many calories your metabolism will burn.

All these unusual tips are very non-traditional but they all serve one purpose, to raise your metabolic rate so you burn tons of calories after you are done working out for days, weeks and months. Allowing you to lose stomach fat and finally get some flat abs.

I prepared a valuable report on how you can use simple tactics, like these, to lose stomach fat quick. Without strict dieting or crazy workout routines, visit: http://TheLoseBellyFatSolution.com


Daniel Dash

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Dash

How to Get Flat Abs Fast With Diet For Six Pack Abs

Diet for six pack abs is extremely important. Simply doing crunches and sit-ups will take you no where until of course you know how to eat well and include lots of good foods in your meal plan. If you have been mortified by your condition and you are planning to throw away your low-rise jeans and bikinis, you must think twice, with proper diet for six pack abs and aerobic exercises, you can now lose weight and have flat stomach, as you always desired.

Your target should be from flab to flat abs, which is now possible by eating nutritious foods that can aid fat loss. Also, lifestyle counts when you are on a fat loss mission, because you simply cannot allow your lifestyle interfere with your target. Stress and anxiety can mess u everything; so a combination of diet, exercise and improved lifestyle habits is the best way of developing great flat abs.

There are certain steps to be followed in order to maintain really flat abs. Of course, the first step is to include lots of low fat recipes, proper exercise and stress-free life.

Diet for Six Pack Abs and Steps to Follow

Fiber, Fiber and More Fiber

Including adequate fiber in your diet for six pack abs can actually help you in losing fat from the stomach and other major regions of the body. You can now get flatter abs with proper fiber intake; lack of fiber has been observed to be one of the major reasons why men and women are now getting flabbier. Increase your fiber intake by making healthy food choices. Wholegrain, whole fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread and pasta are the best combination of foods. Your diet for six pack abs will be incomplete without these food groups.

Be Sensible While Choosing your Carbohydrates

While your trainer might advise you to stop carbohydrates completely, or go very low on carbs, you must understand that it is not wise to avoid carbohydrates. As every other form of food, carbohydrates are also an important part of your diet that you cannot miss. When you take carbohydrates, it breaks down to form glucose, which is further stored in the form of glycogen in your liver and muscles. As glycogen is stored in the body, it will carry along with it thrice the weight as that of water. When you eat a diet that is high in carbohydrates, chances are that your body will store excess water, which will lead to bloating. You will gain more weight temporarily as well. Therefore, your ideal choice should be high-quality nutritious carbohydrates that will aid fat loss, such as vegetables and fruits.

Drink Water

Yes, you simply cannot miss this important part of your diet for six pack abs. water prevents you from feeling bloated, flushes toxins from the body and reduces your body weight too. However, water consumption will not include carbonated drinks, packed fruit juices and other such fluids. Caffeine, tea and soups are also to be avoided.

Your Sodium Intake Must Be Watched

Sodium isn't good for health, although it is essential to regulate the body fluids and also the blood pressure levels, along with absorption of essential nutrients and muscle function. Sodium must be consumed in accurate portions; if taken in excess it will cause bloating and many other complications. Your diet for six pack abs must be devoid of sodium.

Have a Lighter Dinner

Your dinner should be light, always. Be very strict about this. A heavy dinner will lead to increased water weight, which you might not be able to lose very easily. Try to have very small meals in the evening and at night to avoid indigestion and weight gain.

Ready to change how your body looks. You want to build muscles and let go of that belly fat. Looking on ways how to get fat abs fast [http://fatloss-exercise.info]. Learn more about the diet for six pack abs [http://fatloss-exercise.info/ar/the-truth-about-six-pack-abs.php] by clicking on the link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Arindam_Chattopadhyaya

Get Flat Abs Fast With the 6-1-3 Ab Building Formula

Let's go ahead and figure out how to get flat abs fast and why so many people failed to get flat abs. The short answer is simply wrong information. As a result, all their time and energy goes into doing things that simply don't work. OK so let's set that right. The entire process can be simplified into a simple formula that I called the 6-1-3 Ab Building Formula (TM). This formula clearly sets out the road ahead to how to get flat abs fast. So let's begin.

The 6-1-3 Ab Building Formula (TM)
6 - The Six Lies To Avoid
1 - The Only Truth about How To Get Flat Abs Fast
3 - The Three Steps You Must Do To Get Flat Abs Fast

Let's take a look at the six terrible lies about building abs:
1. Go on a diet. (This is simply wrong advice).
2. Eat diet pills. (This is dangerous and totally not needed).
3. Do lots of ab exercises and buy those fancy ab machines (Ab exercises will not give you flat tummy and those machines will end up in your store room)
4. Only eat foods label as "health foods" such as slim, low fat etc. (These are just pure marketing slogans)
5. Perform long cardio sessions several times a week. (Nope. Cardios are ineffective to flatten your abs)
6. You have bad genes. (You hear this from people when everything else fails)

It is so sad that these six lies are the reasons why so many people failed to get flat abs. They are totally untrue so be informed and you will be much better off. This is what you need to know: You get flat abs if and only if you lose fat from your entire body and not just your belly! That is the truth my friend. If you focus on losing fat through exercises that work your entire body, you will get flat sexy abs. So just doing thousands of ab crunches will not do the trick.Now for the three simple steps to a flat tummy:

Step 1 - Imagine what the new you look like and picture the things you must do to get there.
Step 2 - Watch what you eat. Eat only natural foods and reduce on processed food.
Step 3- Do the right fat burning workouts (not cardios)

There you go. This formula is simple and straightforward but let's review it so that it sinks in. Start with the right information. Avoid the six lies to avoid the failures that you have experienced so far. Next understand that to see your abs and get it flat, you must burn fat from your whole body. And finally, just follow the 3 simple steps of Mindset, Nutrition and Workout. That's really it. Simple as it goes. Just the right information to make a difference. If you understand the 6-1-3 Ab Building Formula, you understand how to get flat abs fast. Simplicity works. Just go with it.

Get your 5 free ab building reports about how you can get flat abs fast. Visit Rizal Shaik's site and learn more about the 6-1-3 Ab Building Formula and how it can help you get flat abs fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rizal_Shaik

The Best Six Pack Ab Workout - How to Increase Your Strength, Endurance, & Lose Belly Fat

When training to develop the all elusive six pack, it can be hard to figure out which ab workouts are the best. If you have been training for a while, you'll notice that most of the ab workouts you'll find on the internet are just regular old, boring abdominal targeting exercises. Pretty useless stuff if you want a ripped midsection.

If you know anything about my training philosophy, you'll know that I don't teach people to train the abs directly to lose belly fat. I recommend a more total body approach that focuses on using compound movements and building a positive metabolic response using unique workout methods.

Here is a total body workout that will help you build your endurance, build up your strength, and torch your belly fat. The exercises you will use in this circuit are: back squats, power shrugs, plyo step-ups, depth jumps, jump squats, vertical jumps, and reverse crunches.

Exercise Descriptions:

Back Squats:

- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly turned out.

- Keep the abdominals tight.

- Slowly descend until the upper legs are parallel to the floor.

- Maintain an upright position and avoid leaning forward.

- Push back into the start position.

85% of one rep max for 8 reps

Power Shrugs: (from the floor)

- Using a barbell, keep your head up, chest up, and hips down.

- Lift with your legs from the floor to the knees.

- At the knees, explosively accelerate the bar up into a shrug while trying to "jump" up off the ground with a shrug at the top.

- Be sure to keep your arms straight through the entire exercise to prevent your arms from pulling the weight up instead of driving with the legs.

- Drop the weight to the floor after the shrug and repeat the lift from the ground.

4 sets of 8 reps

Plyo Step-Ups

- With one foot on a box or bench, drive into the bench with your lead foot and jump into the air.

- While in the air, switch feet and have the opposite foot land on the bench.

- Repeat this sequence rapidly trying to jump as high as you possibly can each time.

4 sets of 10 jumps each leg

Depth Jumps:

- Set up one high box about two feet away from a lower box.

- Step off the high box and as soon as your feet touch the ground, explosively jump straight up onto the lower box.

4 sets of 10 jumps

Jump Squats:

- Using a weight that is about 15-20% of your one rep max for the back squat.

- Dip into the squat position and jump as high as possible.

- Be sure to land under control with your knees bent. Be sure to land on the balls of your feet.

15-20% of one rep max for 10 reps

Vertical Jumps:

- From the standing position, jump as high as you can in the air.

Jump as many times as you can in 15 seconds.

Here's the workout:

(You will complete this circuit two times with a:60 second rest between exercises)

1. Back Squat - 85% max - 8 reps

2. Power Shrug - 85% max - 8 reps

3. Jump Squat - 15-20% max - 10 reps

4. Depth Jumps - 10 reps

5. Vertical Jumps - As many as you can in15 seconds

6. Plyo Step-Ups - 10 reps

7. Reverse Crunches - 20 reps

I know that this circuit is not your typical ab workout and the exercises presented here are probably not what you are used to. It may be hard to believe that you can develop six pack abs without doing your regular abdominal targeting exercises, but with this total body approach, you will train your entire body, boost your metabolism, and torch the stubborn belly fat that is covering up your hidden six pack.

You can defeat your stubborn belly fat and crappy genetics by not following the herd and training smarter and not repping yourself into oblivion doing useless crunches and sit-ups.

Here's to your new six pack!

Jamin Thompson is an internationally recognized fat loss expert, fitness model, and sports performance expert. He offers men and women from all over the world the best ab workouts for six pack abs without using bogus supplements, gimmicks, or crash dieting at http://www.the6packsecret.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamin_Thompson

6 Simple Tips To Effectively Build Muscle Fast In 30 Minutes

Sick of devouring every single piece of muscle-building material with different
muscle-building techniques and methods, all claiming to have the 'solution' to Build Muscle fast?

Here are 6 basic guides to build muscle fast without wasting countless hours at the gym!

1) Build Muscle with Short Intervals And At High Intensity

Scientific test has shown that blood sugar level decreases after 20 minutes. Therefore, look at compound multi-joint movements, as it requires more use of muscle from every muscle group, and hence offers more muscle stimulus.

Examples of multi-joint movements are squats, dips, bench press and chin-ups. These exercises will target all the main muscle groups.

Performing these 4 exercises during a session with high intensity will have growth effect and build muscle fast.

In contrast to isolation exercises (focusing on 1 muscle group at a time), compound movement exercises are far more effective to build muscle fast!

After a day's workout of high intensity of compound multi-joint movements, muscle recovery is required to allow the muscle to strengthen and adjust to new muscle growth.

At the next session, increase the repetitions at the same weight to build muscle fast!

2) Work it Hard With A Single Set Per Body Part

Single set training are far more beneficial than multiple sets which prevents over-training, but saving energy for other lifts required during a high intensity workout.

To build muscle fast and effectively, you must put in 100% effort for each set till you cannot move the bar after the last rep or exert the same force for another set.

Thereafter, move on to the next exercise and repeat the 100% effort to
work the muscle hard.

Exerting such intensity will stimulate the muscle, and thus build muscle fast.

3) Do Not Overtrain To Build Muscle Fast

As mentioned earlier, blood sugar levels (energy) decrease with time.

Hence, high volume of training will not have any positive outcome. Another adverse affect of over
training is the negative impact of 'cortisol' have on the muscle tissue.

The longer the training time, the more cortisol is released into the body's blood stream which
breakdowns the muscle tissue.

Needless to say, to minimize the effect of cortisol, limit the workout between 20-30 minutes.

Therefore, aim for a short intense workout for maximum effect on the muscle group followed by rest.

4) Vary The Intensity

When strength training to build muscle, the intensity should be varied, not fixed.

In order to build muscle fast, the intensity of workouts must progress upwards. If the intensity
remains the same, there is no reason for new muscle growth.

Hence the muscle groups must be jolted with varied intensity through changes in repetitions and
weights used.

Varied intensity will be build muscle fast and is an effective way to maintain progress and
avoid training plateaus.

5) Do Not Cheat To Build Muscle Fast

Concentrate on the quality of technique used for each set and focus on the movements on the muscle.

To build muscle fast, Why not start with a light load and work the muscles to lift the load.

Once the technique is perfected, increase the load upwards progressively.

Do not kid yourself with reps by shortening the range of motion and swinging the weights up.

With the cheating method, it has limited impact on growth and will not build muscle fast.

6) Drink Plenty Of Water

Water helps to build muscle and transport all the necessary nutrients throughout the body, and
helps to flush out excessive protein. And without the required amount of water, the muscles will not perform adequately.

Not only that, we need water.

As you can see With these 6 simple tips, you do not have to be an athlete to build muscle.

Follow these simple, effective guide to build muscle fast without wasting too much time at the gym!

-Discover How To Build A Powerful, Muscular New Physique in 12 Short Weeks Or Less.

The Truth About Building Muscle will reveal a simple, step-by-step solution that will allow you to pack inches of lean, shredded muscle mass onto your chest, back, arms and legs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Visit http://www.squidoo.com/thetruthaboutbuildingmusclescam/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Oh

Best Core Exercises for Core Strength Training Workouts and Fitness

There are hundreds of muscles in the core of the body - the abs (all layers), lower to mid back, upper pelvic region, the obliques and the world famous 'love handles' areas are loaded with muscles of all different sizes, shapes, lengths and angles - which require specific core exercises to produce the desired core strength training effect.

What is amazing is, these core muscles are all so close together, some of which are layered - meaning muscle behind muscle. And if all of these core muscles are worked out properly with the right exercise program and workouts - it is not a question of "Will I be able to get a great core?" but a question of "When will I have my great core?"

Unlike 97% of core fitness workouts that are in existence, the best core workout, is designed to provide a training stimulus to every single muscle in the body's core a with the right exercises.

The upper, middle and lower core - the love handles - the obliques - the lower and mid back areas (avoiding these will not only prevent you from ever getting killer abs, but can lead to serious injury - this happens EVERY DAY to people who try to exercise without proper guidance - & it is one the reasons why physical therapists are so busy!)

The best core workout does not rely on big expensive fitness machines or silly exercise gadgets.

It does rely on the body itself, its natural movement patterns and how the muscles of the body work in relation to gravity. This means the ideal core workout can be done anywhere, anytime.

A big mistake many people, even trainers, make is to mimic the core routines of bodybuilders or powerlifters. The problem with that is most people are not bodybuilders or powerlifters - and these people tend to overtrain anyway (I know this because I used to do it myself!). The problems here range from a lot of wasted time to serious, long term injuries.

The proper core workout must be designed to provide the most effective exercise training stimulus to the ENTIRE midsection and core, in the shortest amount of time (because we are all very busy people, right?), with minimal risk of injury. The problem is, it is extremely rare to find an ab/core workout routine that fits all of these criteria.

Here is a list of what you should focus on when planning your ideal core workout:

1) A variety of carefully chosen core exercises that provide the ENTIRE midsection and core with the proper stimulus to become lean, defined, flat, strong and solid.

2) A certain number of specific exercises responsible for creating the lines which form 'the Six Pack' look AND uncovering that toned core by pushing your metabolism into fat burning mode.

3) Several functional/core moves that create the diagonal muscle ripples along the side ribcage areas.

4) Targeted exercises that zero in on 'the love handles' to slim them down if they hold extra fat, or firm them up if you want more sexy muscle definition in the core area.

5) Fast core workouts that can be done anywhere, anytime, in a total of 15 to 25 minutes.

6) Core exercises that are appropriate for both men and women.

7) A truly effective core workout should not kill the person doing it. Many trainers, and fitness enthusiasts, do not understand that the word 'killer' (as in killer ab routine) is used as a figure of speech which actually means 'high quality workout that yields amazing results'. No back injuries, no hernias, and no six days worth of soreness.

8) Seek improvements ranging from cosmetic to enhanced performance in regular daily activities, sports and athletics and of course, love making (sexual performance).

9) An assortment of core exercises, combined to create an equal and physiologically necessary, balance on EVERY side of the abs and core to give your body that V-shaped look.

10) Specific exercises, derived from injury rehab programs,which strengthen and tone the deepest layers of the abs & core and most sensitive muscles of the lower back region - to get rid of most common aches and pains and keep you injury free and super-hero strong.

These are the exact principles I follow when training my personal, one-on-one clients AND they are the same principles I follow in my own core strength training workout program. Structure your own core workouts according to the principles outlined above, with the proper selection of core exercises for undeniable results.

Joey Atlas, M.S. - Exercise Physiology, is the creator of Abs of Stone - Core of Steel video series - the internationally distributed Core Exercise & Fitness Training Workout for men and women.

Joey is also the creator of BestFitnessAdvice.com - an interactive, global resource for expert Health & Fitness Programs and Nutrition Advice and Coaching.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joey_Atlas

Get Your Desired Body: Speedy Tips on How to Build Muscle Fast for Teenagers

Are you troubled in having to mingle and interact in school because of your lanky body structure? No one likes to feel left-out, discriminated or made fun of because of the old body weight issue. We all know that in order to gain confidence, we definitely have to feel good about ourselves, not only in the inside but also in the out. Looking good exudes an aura of confidence that will then allow us to mingle and socialize with others. If this is your case, then you have come to the right place. We have awesome tips on how to build muscle fast, especially programmed for teenagers.

At a young age, it's good to know that you have the desire to get a well-designed body. It is important to have your body toned and sexy, to establish confidence- and at the same time enjoy a healthy and invigorating lifestyle. Here, you will be guided by proven tips based on experience and research on how to achieve muscle growth in a more speedy and convenient manner.

Progressive Muscle Development

Building muscles should be rooted from basic exercises until your body is ready for a more intensified set of exercises. You have to prepare your body little by little to condition the muscles you wish to develop progressively. Progressive muscle development allows the muscles to become stronger and sets the right conditioning in preparation of the different sets of exercises that will be needing execution for faster muscle growth. The muscles cope-up and adapts with the exercises little by little. Once the muscles are solid, you may advance to another set of exercises. This is a proven technique for fast muscle development.

Prepare a Balance Diet

You have to eat the right kind of food to supply your muscles with the much needed nutrients for immediate muscle progress. Avoid eating foods that are processed and soaked in oil or preservatives. You have to eat a balanced diet as you must carefully choose the foods that are rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats- fats from nuts, avocados and the like. These foods contain the essential nutrients that are good for muscle repair, maintenance and development. It is best for you to eat 4-6 times a day. Eat in small portioned meals. Frequent meals will provide your body the needed energy it needs to last throughout the day.

Eating frequent meals allows the body to break down the food that you eat approximately 2 hours after you finish eating the said meal. Since you are into building your muscles, constant supply of nutrients and energy is needed to cope-up with the tiring workout sessions you will go through. You also need to drink 4-6 liters of water, on a daily basis. As you sweat throughout the day, and most especially throughout your workout, you must replenish the lost liquids to rehydrate your body. Our approach on how to build muscle fast for teenagers is extremely effective. All that needs to be done is you must utilize a healthy approach, consisting of a well-balanced diet, hydration and follow our recommended workout regimen.

Adequate Rest

Increasing muscle mass will not happen overnight, rather it will happen throughout a lengthy duration of consistent workout, dieting and loading up on liquids. It is about balancing everything for a remarkable muscle building technique. You have got to sleep at least 8 hours a day to allow your body to gain strength and recharge for the day ahead. Sleeping well will provide the body with proper ammunition of bagged energy to perform and deliver exercises on a daily basis. It also allows your body to repair the muscle cells that will inevitably be damaged during exercises as this is how the body works into building bigger, stronger and buffer muscles. Adequate rest will surely deliver the results you are aiming for in a shorter amount of time, as you are empowered and energized during your workouts, allowing you to endure the intensity of your workout until you reach your desired structure and shape.

These tips guarantee results as you seek to gain additional knowledge on how to build muscle fast [http://www.howtobuildmusclefast.net/how-to-build-muscle-fast]. Questions will cease as you find the answers to your questions on how to build muscle fast when you visit our website. Realize these tips and commit to a new you! See awesome and realistic results on how to build muscle fast for teenagers [http://www.howtobuildmusclefast.net/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Arkin_Kaman

Incredible Core Strength - The Absolute Best Core Workout in a Single Exercise!

The best core workouts must include the use of kettlebells. As a strength and conditioning professional I can tell you that there is no better tool out there with as much versatility and overall dominant training quality as the ancient kettlebell. If you are wanting to develop a crazy amount of core strength then you can start by implementing some kettlebell man makers! Read on if I have your attention.

Kettlebell Man Makers

If you are serious about getting results then buckle your seatbelt for this one my friend. To execute the dual kettlebell man makers you will obviously need a pair of kettlebells of moderate resistance and a good flat kettlebell training surface. This core training workout isn't for the weak minded. Start by placing both bells on the ground between your feet with your stance at about a shoulder width distance or slightly wider apart. From here you are going to properly and effectively execute the clean and rack to get the bells to your chest in a smooth effective manner. Once you have the bells here then simply lower them back to the ground. Now from here you will want to stabilize and position your body on the bells by kicking your feet back behind you to extend yourself into an upright push up position. Once you kick your feet back to extend yourself then simply kick your feet back up to where you started to stand up and clean and rack the bells again. The key here is to not take your hands off the bells at any point until your set is complete. This is the best core workout routine that any serious fitness junkie or athlete could do for his or her program.

If you haven't already started implementing man makers into your personal strength and fitness routine then you are only holding yourself back from making some serious strength gains. Take the time to get innovative in your training or you will never grow. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Richey

Build Muscle Fast With High Frequency Training and Watch Gains in Muscle Explode

If you have been stumped in the gym and have had no gains in muscle it may be time to bring out the heavy artillery and switch to high frequency training or HFT. HFT can be used to build muscle fast for short bursts of up to 3 weeks. When applied correctly with a sound workout routine that gains in muscle are absolutely mind blowing.

What is HFT?

High frequency training is when you train a muscle with greater frequency than it is accustomed to. Many bodybuilders and strength athletes get caught only training each muscle once or twice per week. Some have found how great 3 workouts a week per muscle works but did you know you can even go up to 5 workouts per week? The routine is a bit more complicated but still easy to execute and follow. Gains in muscle will occur rapidly when employing the high frequency training method.

How to use HFT

High frequency training requires some very careful thought when planning the routine. You can't simply just work each muscle 5 times per week and expect growth. The workouts to build muscle fast must be structured in such a way that there are different loads, rep ranges, rest intervals, and movement patterns. If you simply did heavy pressing each day the joints would not recover and the central nervous system would be overtaxed. There must be a heavy day, medium day, and light day all with different movement patterns and rest intervals for optimal results.

For example one training day may be 6 sets of 3 reps, another day 3 sets of 16 reps, and another at 5 sets of 8 reps. These are full body workouts emphasizing different movements, loads, and rest between sets.

How significant are the gains in muscle?

I've used HFT to gain 5 pounds in only 3 weeks. That is about as fast as you can build muscle and to do this the nutritional plan must also be solid because it will require protein and BCAA's timed just right to promote this kind of speed in muscle gain. One of the best applications of HFT put to work that I have tried is by Chad Waterbury in his 10 10 Transformation. Chad has a masters degree in neurophysiology so he understands the recovery abilities of the human body better than anyone and uses this knowledge to create system truly pushing the limit of human performance.

Click here to learn more about High Frequency Training and the 10 10 Transformation and see my complete review. Gains in Muscle can also be made without weights. Read how at our Muscle Building Review site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Porter

How To Get Pecs - The Best Workout Plan For Square Pecs

There is nothing quite like a broad, square chest to really set off a nice strong physique. Although the question on many people's mind is how to get pecs, and even more appropriate question is how to get square pecs. You need to build the right pecs for an impressive physique!

If you look at many aspiring bodybuilders out there you may notice that their physique is a little "soft" and round. No doubt they have a ton of muscle, but many of them sacrifice overall shape and appearance just for size. If you want to build truly impressive pecs you cannot afford to make the same mistakes as many bodybuilders out there are making. Since you want to know how to get pecs that look great, you will want to focus on building the upper chest until it catches up with the lower chest - this could be a while.

The best workout plan to get pecs starts at the top

Great pecs need to be strategically built. Whether or not you've got zero pecs or even a decent start, you need to focus on the upper pecs. When you focus your workout plan on building the upper pectoral muscle, this builds a much more dramatic and impressive look. Even when your shirt is on, people will notice that you've got a developed chest.

Since the goal here is "square pecs" our workout plan will be tailored to that. Instead of starting your routine on the flat bench press as many do, you should focus on incline presses. Your workout should include the following:

Incline dumbbell press
Incline barbell press
Incline dumbbell flyes
Incline machine press

By emphasizing the upper chest not only are you going to get pecs, you are going to get pecs that look masculine, broad and have a nice angular and squared look.

WANT TO LEARN MORE?: Checkout my fitness blog =====> http://fitnessblackandwhite.com as I focus my articles on how to get the most impressive physique you can - much different than a bodybuilders' approach!

I also have highlighted the techniques and strategies on effective =====> Muscle Building Workouts

Thanks for reading!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_McMillian

Work Out Routines to Build Muscle - The Best Workout Plan

If you are a beginner in muscle building, your work out routines to build muscle should involve warm up exercises to help form the core muscles that serve as the foundation for your future body built. This involves muscles that help support your whole body as you take on more weights and lift dumbbells.

Without these muscles you might not be able to lift heavier weights during your advanced stages of the training. Hence, you need to perform compound exercises that strengthen and build muscles on your chest, shoulders, abdominals, back, and legs; as well as isolation exercises that promote growth and hardening of your triceps and biceps just to name some.

Another important thing that you must also bear in mind when you are formulating your work out routines to build muscle is to make variations on your workout plan; by mixing compound exercises and isolation exercises. Compound workouts aim at developing various muscle groups like shoulder, back, and arms in just one session; while isolation exercises target specific muscles like quadriceps and biceps.

Additionally, you also need to remember that when you make your workout plan, make sure that your workout sessions do not worn you out; otherwise you might only end up losing some weights instead of building some muscles. Bear in mind that muscles grow only when you rest and sleep; hence, if you deprive your body of sufficient amount of rest and sleep, because you are working so hard in the gym more than you should, then you may not be able to see significant growth of muscles because you did not allow them to grow on the first place.

Therefore, when you are preparing your work out routines to build muscle you have to ensure that your workout sessions are just sufficient enough to optimize growth and development of rock-hard muscles with well balanced lifestyle of workouts, rest, sleep, recreation, and proper diet.

Go to Muscle Building Workouts for free report and tips.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alfian_Haris

Highlights From the Best Workout Programs Online

Best Overall Workout Program: Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

I highly recommend that you try The Burn Fat Feed Muscle Workout Program. The reason why I liked this program is because it contains a comprehensive guide to trim the fat and build muscles, in addition to this is that there are a lot of bonuses included. It is also updated on a regular basis. These other workout programs that are also VERY good and worth checking out.

If you're in the market for best workout program then you've come to the right website!. This is a great website to get some good information on a bodybuilding plan that can be tailored to your exact needs! I hope you enjoy

The Best Muscle Building Workout: Vince Delmonte Review

This course was the first one I took and surprisingly I liked it. I've been working out in a rate of four times a day for thirteen years and when I saw the program I learned new workout strategies that are just very new to me. I was once considered a "hard gainer" and this program has helped turn everything around, that's why like it very much.

We're a fan of No Nonsense Muscle Building, otherwise known as the no nonsense muscle building workout. This is a great workout plan for skinny guys..

Best Workout Program to Lose Weight: Muscle Gain Truth

This program is very good because it includes an exclusive portion that deals with burning extra fat. Most of the dieting practices I use are based on the nutritional information I got from the course, and this is the reason why I am not obese. I have fully adapted to this course. The reason why I rated it a notch lower is because I have a slender frame and I'm not interested on losing weight. I do workout in the gym and most of my routine came from this program.

Best Workout Program To Get Ripped Abs: Muscle Gain Secrets

If you're just like me, you may not have strong abdominal strength. It's not that I've had weak abs, I just wasn't aware what ore strength is until I learned about this workout program. This guide will surely blow you away, take it from me. Even though I thought I knew everything, this program truly changed the way I workout.

Jason Ferruggia has an incredible ab workout program, otherwise known as the muscle gaining secrets pdf. This is our favorite bodybuilding program to help you get rid if your love handles or pooch in your belly.

It all depends on what your goals are. It depends on whether or not you're looking to gain muscle, lose fat, get abs or just in general get a total body workout to be more in shape. If your goal is health then no matter what you do you'll reach your goal as long as you stick to one of these programs.

John Stellman is the founder of GainMuscleAndLoseWeight.com where the goal is to help you find the Best Workout Program for your specific needs. We review all the bodybuilding ebooks so you don't have to.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Stellman

Four Essential Parts of a Great Boxing Workout Routine

Boxing workout routine is one of the best ways to build a total body exercise program. The reason that these plans are so efficient in providing complete fitness is it includes both cardio activity and strength training and is geared towards many different muscle groups. When designing boxing workout routines, it is important to understand the four major building blocks of every plan including endurance, strength, skills and speed.

Building Endurance

In order for a boxer to survive in the ring for four, six, ten or twelve rounds, they must build an enormous amount of endurance. Due to this fact, it is vital that boxing workout routine include plenty activities that are specifically used to build endurance. These include many different types of cardio activities, such as running, sprinting, cycling and jump roping. This type of exercise should be included in your fitness plan in at least 20-minute intervals, four times a week. If you cannot complete 20 minutes at first, start with 5 minutes and add an additional 5 minutes on each week until your reach 20 or 30 minutes.

Strength Training

Of course an important aspect of boxing is having the strength and power to beat your opponent. This makes strength training another vital feature of boxing workout routines. This includes weight training and can be done at the gym or your home if you have the right equipment. You should begin with a weight level that is right for you and increase the amount on a weekly basis or as you are able. You should design a complete weight lifting program that includes presses, pull-ups and crunches. Strength training should be done at least two times per week and should be not be done two days in a row to give your muscles time to rest.

Skill Development

No boxer can become great if they have not developed good boxing techniques. You have probably heard it said many time that you cannot learn anything without a lot of practice and boxing is not different. You must make skill development part of your boxing workout routine. This will not only build skills but it will work to tone various part of the body, such as the arms, legs and abdomen. These types of activities include work on the heavy bag, where you can easily practice different jabs, punches, kicks and stances.

Improve Speed and Reaction Time

Another aspect of a complete boxing workout routine is to improve not just speed but your reaction time as well. This will help boxers to quickly react to different situation within the boxing ring, which can prevent them from being caught off guard by their opponent. This important part of the workout should include exercises such as shadow boxing and sparring. During this portion of your workout, you do not want to hold back, but give it all you have. Sparring with other opponent provides you with the unique opportunity to react to different people boxing styles. It is recommended that you always leave at least one day in between your sparring workouts.

By putting these four essential parts in your workout plan, you will create a comprehensive program that will build your overall physical fitness. Be sure to create a well-balance workout plan and schedule your workouts because that is more likely to encourage you to stick to your workout plan. Whether you are looking to become a boxer or you just want to get into better physical shape, a boxing workout routine can help you.

If you are interested in finding out more about boxing and learning how to fight, visit my specially dedicated website learn how to fight: http://www.howtofightdojo.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stas_S

The Best Exercise For Buttocks Workout Plan Can Help You to Lose Fat

Find out how to lose excess body fat whilst improving the size, tone and shape of your buttocks and you will never look back! Men and women alike can improve their whole look and total physique if they include an exercise for buttocks workout plan into their weekly exercise regime. Follow this plan properly, and you will soon see great improvements.

1. Do the Right Exercises to Target the Glutes

If you follow a really good exercise for buttocks routine and include butt-improving exercises such as the lunge, the walking lunge, squats, Bulgarian split squat and deadlifts, you will definitely notice the difference in the tone and shape of your butt. You will also need to progressively increase the resistance or weight that you use in each of your exercises as well however.

As you build the muscle in your butt, known as the gluteus maximus muscle, it will increase your body's metabolic rate and you will start to burn fat from other areas of your body too. This is because, the bigger and stronger the muscle, the more calories it requires just to operate, even whilst you are resting, so they will just take that energy from your existing fat stores and you will notice the weight dropping off you. As muscles grow too, they require yet more energy - again taken from your body in the form of calories.

2. Eat Well

You must include a healthy and well-balanced diet into your overall exercise for buttocks workout plan. You will need to eat lots of lean protein to aid the growth of your muscles. And you will also need complex carbohydrates and healthy fats such as olive oil and oils such as those found in oily fish and nuts.

3. Cardiovascular Fat Burning Exercise

Finally, to keep your metabolism going and to continue to burn fat from areas of your body where you just don't want it, you will need to do some high intensity interval training.

This type of conditioning exercise involves short sessions of high intensity cardio training, followed by less intense cardio sessions. By short I mean really short ie. 20 seconds high intensity alternated with 10 seconds lower intensity followed by 20 seconds high and so on. You could do 5 minutes of this type of training per workout session, and you body will continue to burn fat throughout the day, even after you finish your workout. Get a great toned butt and burn the fat with this easy exercise for buttocks workout plan - love the results!

To discover more exercises for buttocks and how to perform them, and how to improve the size and shape of your butt with the right exercise for buttocks, visit: http://www.musclesforwomen.com/gluteus-exercises

The author of this article has over 19 years of working and training in the fitness and exercise industry, as a personal trainer and fitness consultant. She has helped many men and women to achieve their fitness goals and weight loss dreams.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jilly_Barker

Endo, Meso, or Ecto: The Best Workout For Your Body Type

From the time we are old enough to look in the mirror ask "Mommy, why doesn't my body look like Susie's?" we are told that every body is made a bit differently and we need to accept our unique body type. But in fact, there are only three body types, with a little bit of overlap between them. By learning which of the three body styles you inherited, you can plan a fitness routine that makes the most of it.

The three primary body forms are Mesomorph, Ectomorph and Endomorph and each comes with both positive and not-so-positive traits. But by focusing on the strengths, you can minimize the negatives and build the best body nature will allow.

Mesomorph Body Type

A Mesomorph body can be recognized by its overall rectangular appearance. Hips and chest tend to be wide - we sometimes describe a Meso body as being "big boned". There are more male examples of Meso body styles, but women can certainly fall into this category of body type, as well.

The exciting part of the Meso body is its ability to easily build muscle. So you'll find plenty of examples of Meso-style bodies at the gym and on Muscle Beach. If you're a Meso, it's best to follow nature's lead and build as much muscle as you can. After all, lean muscle mass burns calories and give shapes and tone to the appearance of the body.

Unfortunately, while Meso's don't have any problem adding muscle, they often carry extra fat, as well. To burn this extra fat, it's important to incorporate an extra cardio session or two per week. Of course, it's human to want to focus on the things we already do well, so Meso's usually prefer to lift weights than run on the treadmill, but a more balanced workout routine will give better overall results. The best workout plan for Meso's would be about 40 percent strength training and 60 percent cardio.

Ectomorph Body Type

The Ectomorph body is often a runway fashion model, tall and thin, can eat anything without gaining an ounce. Picture Popeye's girlfriend, Olive Oyl. There are both male and female Ecto body types, but while the Ecto is a favored body type for women, it may not be so for men. While they don't carry much extra fat, Ectomorphs also have difficulty gaining muscle.

The best workout routine for Ecto body types focuses more on strength training than cardio. In fact, cardio routines are done primarily for the endurance and health benefits than for weight loss purposes. But because of their slender bone structure, Ecto body types are more susceptible to injury, so strength training is important for health purposes, as well as the more toned appearance that muscle can provide.

Endomorph Body Type

The Endo body style is characterized by curves. Endos are strong and usually carry a higher percentage of muscle than Ectos or Mesos, but they often carry a great deal of fat. A male Endo is likely to be a defensive lineman on a football team, and a female endo may spend her life on one diet after another. Oprah Winfrey is a good example of a female Endo who has produced a toned and healthy endo body through her healthy diet and exercise routines.

Because building muscle mass comes effortlessly to an Endo, whereas fat loss is a constant effort, the Endo workout plan should incorporate no less than 70 percent of the weekly workout time to cardio, and devote the remaining 30 percent to strength training.

By being honest with ourselves about the body nature gave us, we can accept the positives while we work to correct the short falls. Just remember that Mommy was right when she told us that "nature made every body perfect just the way they are", but it never hurts to give nature a little bit help.

The author writes frequently on the topic of women's fitness. Her most recent article outlines a full body workout for women and is published at Women's Fitness Today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pamela_Herrington