3 Exercises to Help Get You a Flat Stomach!

If you are wanting a flat stomach then you have got to train your body to have one, period! You can't buy a flat stomach, take a pill for one, or expect some fad diet to help you get rid of it. Even if you try these things its only temporary and you'll have nothing to show for it other than being out a lot of money and your health is in the toilet. This is not the route you want to go. You can do the following. I know you can because my clients and me do this all the time. Check out the following 3 exercises that will help you get rid of your stomach.

Exercises To Get A Flat Stomach!

1. Burpees: The burpee is a total body calisthenic that will help you develop a superior level of both muscular and cardiovascular endurance. To execute this drill you will need nothing more than your own body weight and the willingness to work. The burpee consists of 3 steps. Step 1 involves you standing with your feet at shoulder width apart in length and then crouching down to place your hands on the ground. Step 2 involves you kicking your feet back behind you extending your body into an upright push up position. Step 3 involves you executing a normal push up. Finally, step 4 involves you kicking your feet back up underneath your body after the push up in order to position yourself to stand up. All 4 of these steps consist of a single repetition. This is a great exercise for eliminating those love handles.

2. Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell swings are the base strength endurance lift that you can perform with this ancient device. This particular lift is highly effective for helping you to lose belly fat. In order to pull this off you will need the availability of at least a single bell. Start the drill by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat and pick up the bell with both arms and allow it to hang at your groin. From here make sure to tighten your abs and start to continuously flex and extend at both your hips and knees in order to create the momentum to swing the bell back and forth in an arc like motion. As the bell builds more momentum allow it to elevate to at least chest level. Make sure to lock out at both your hips and knees at the top of every swing lift. This is a flat tummy exercise if I have ever seen one.

3. Squat Jumps: For this drill you going to be using nothing more than your own body weight. Begin this exercise by standing with your feet at shoulder width apart. Start by executing a counter-movement with your arms by allowing them to swing back with your hips as your rear descends down into the squat. As you reach the bottom of the squat you are then going to forcefully swing your arms forward while, at the same time, you explosively extend at your hips, knees, and ankles to lift your body off of the ground. When you land make sure to do so from heel to toe and recoil your body by flexing at these three major joints (hips, knees, ankles). This recoiled position helps you to absorb the impact of landing, sets you up for the next jump, and helps you to execute the jumps all in continuous succession without interruption.

If you haven't already started to implement these 3 exercises into your belly fat loss campaign then your program is lacking. Take the time to learn more by accessing more of my articles on subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com

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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Richey