How To Get Pecs - The Best Workout Plan For Square Pecs

There is nothing quite like a broad, square chest to really set off a nice strong physique. Although the question on many people's mind is how to get pecs, and even more appropriate question is how to get square pecs. You need to build the right pecs for an impressive physique!

If you look at many aspiring bodybuilders out there you may notice that their physique is a little "soft" and round. No doubt they have a ton of muscle, but many of them sacrifice overall shape and appearance just for size. If you want to build truly impressive pecs you cannot afford to make the same mistakes as many bodybuilders out there are making. Since you want to know how to get pecs that look great, you will want to focus on building the upper chest until it catches up with the lower chest - this could be a while.

The best workout plan to get pecs starts at the top

Great pecs need to be strategically built. Whether or not you've got zero pecs or even a decent start, you need to focus on the upper pecs. When you focus your workout plan on building the upper pectoral muscle, this builds a much more dramatic and impressive look. Even when your shirt is on, people will notice that you've got a developed chest.

Since the goal here is "square pecs" our workout plan will be tailored to that. Instead of starting your routine on the flat bench press as many do, you should focus on incline presses. Your workout should include the following:

Incline dumbbell press
Incline barbell press
Incline dumbbell flyes
Incline machine press

By emphasizing the upper chest not only are you going to get pecs, you are going to get pecs that look masculine, broad and have a nice angular and squared look.

WANT TO LEARN MORE?: Checkout my fitness blog =====> as I focus my articles on how to get the most impressive physique you can - much different than a bodybuilders' approach!

I also have highlighted the techniques and strategies on effective =====> Muscle Building Workouts

Thanks for reading!

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