The Best Exercise For Buttocks Workout Plan Can Help You to Lose Fat

Find out how to lose excess body fat whilst improving the size, tone and shape of your buttocks and you will never look back! Men and women alike can improve their whole look and total physique if they include an exercise for buttocks workout plan into their weekly exercise regime. Follow this plan properly, and you will soon see great improvements.

1. Do the Right Exercises to Target the Glutes

If you follow a really good exercise for buttocks routine and include butt-improving exercises such as the lunge, the walking lunge, squats, Bulgarian split squat and deadlifts, you will definitely notice the difference in the tone and shape of your butt. You will also need to progressively increase the resistance or weight that you use in each of your exercises as well however.

As you build the muscle in your butt, known as the gluteus maximus muscle, it will increase your body's metabolic rate and you will start to burn fat from other areas of your body too. This is because, the bigger and stronger the muscle, the more calories it requires just to operate, even whilst you are resting, so they will just take that energy from your existing fat stores and you will notice the weight dropping off you. As muscles grow too, they require yet more energy - again taken from your body in the form of calories.

2. Eat Well

You must include a healthy and well-balanced diet into your overall exercise for buttocks workout plan. You will need to eat lots of lean protein to aid the growth of your muscles. And you will also need complex carbohydrates and healthy fats such as olive oil and oils such as those found in oily fish and nuts.

3. Cardiovascular Fat Burning Exercise

Finally, to keep your metabolism going and to continue to burn fat from areas of your body where you just don't want it, you will need to do some high intensity interval training.

This type of conditioning exercise involves short sessions of high intensity cardio training, followed by less intense cardio sessions. By short I mean really short ie. 20 seconds high intensity alternated with 10 seconds lower intensity followed by 20 seconds high and so on. You could do 5 minutes of this type of training per workout session, and you body will continue to burn fat throughout the day, even after you finish your workout. Get a great toned butt and burn the fat with this easy exercise for buttocks workout plan - love the results!

To discover more exercises for buttocks and how to perform them, and how to improve the size and shape of your butt with the right exercise for buttocks, visit:

The author of this article has over 19 years of working and training in the fitness and exercise industry, as a personal trainer and fitness consultant. She has helped many men and women to achieve their fitness goals and weight loss dreams.

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