Build Muscle Fast With High Frequency Training and Watch Gains in Muscle Explode

If you have been stumped in the gym and have had no gains in muscle it may be time to bring out the heavy artillery and switch to high frequency training or HFT. HFT can be used to build muscle fast for short bursts of up to 3 weeks. When applied correctly with a sound workout routine that gains in muscle are absolutely mind blowing.

What is HFT?

High frequency training is when you train a muscle with greater frequency than it is accustomed to. Many bodybuilders and strength athletes get caught only training each muscle once or twice per week. Some have found how great 3 workouts a week per muscle works but did you know you can even go up to 5 workouts per week? The routine is a bit more complicated but still easy to execute and follow. Gains in muscle will occur rapidly when employing the high frequency training method.

How to use HFT

High frequency training requires some very careful thought when planning the routine. You can't simply just work each muscle 5 times per week and expect growth. The workouts to build muscle fast must be structured in such a way that there are different loads, rep ranges, rest intervals, and movement patterns. If you simply did heavy pressing each day the joints would not recover and the central nervous system would be overtaxed. There must be a heavy day, medium day, and light day all with different movement patterns and rest intervals for optimal results.

For example one training day may be 6 sets of 3 reps, another day 3 sets of 16 reps, and another at 5 sets of 8 reps. These are full body workouts emphasizing different movements, loads, and rest between sets.

How significant are the gains in muscle?

I've used HFT to gain 5 pounds in only 3 weeks. That is about as fast as you can build muscle and to do this the nutritional plan must also be solid because it will require protein and BCAA's timed just right to promote this kind of speed in muscle gain. One of the best applications of HFT put to work that I have tried is by Chad Waterbury in his 10 10 Transformation. Chad has a masters degree in neurophysiology so he understands the recovery abilities of the human body better than anyone and uses this knowledge to create system truly pushing the limit of human performance.

Click here to learn more about High Frequency Training and the 10 10 Transformation and see my complete review. Gains in Muscle can also be made without weights. Read how at our Muscle Building Review site.

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