Best Foods For Abs - Get Ripped Quicker
Now, let's be realistic, this probably isn't the first article you've read about how to get ripped quick. If you're anything like me, you may well have spend time and hard earned cash trying to find the secret. Well, I'd like to let you in to one right away, the fact that you're looking for the best foods for abs means that you're halfway there. So many people fail by starting with demanding exercise regimes that are not only impossible unless you're Superman, but simply do not work. The key to success is DIET.
Getting rid of that fat
So, the key to getting ripped abs quickly is fat loss . It's as simple as that. It may sound obvious but this essential step is often overlooked in an attempt to get started on something physical. The hard truth is that abdominal muscles sit behind a layer of belly fat, and unless you shift that, it doesn't matter how toned those muscles are, they'll never get seen.
Diet Myths
1. Eating a typical low-carb diet will not get you thin, it will make you tired, make exercise difficult and worst of all, lose you muscle.
2. Fat isn't all bad, eating 'good fats' in a controlled way will speed up the fat loss process.
3. Low fat diets can make your muscles strong and give you boundless energy but they can als on make you fatter - in all the wrong places.
Best Foods For Abs
I strongly suggest joining an ab building program, formulated by experts that centres around the importance of diet and offers dedicated eating plans and fat/carb formulas that will help you burn that fat extremely quickly. In the meantime, here are my top 5 favourite best foods for abs.
1. Eggs. A fantastic source of protein, an egg for breakfast will help keep you from snacking during the day and is one of the best foods for abs.
2. Lean Beef. Red meat contains huge amounts of protein, not only that you'll get creatine, zinc, and iron. Keep it lean though or you'll defeat the object.
3. Soya. Ok, so it's not everyone's cup of tea but research proves that soya milk can help you lose weight faster. Try Tofu - it's a great low fat meat alternative.
4. Broccoli. Experts love this green vegetable, high in protein, it also contains something called indoles, which work against the female hormone 'estrogen' (yes, guys have this too!) which can be detrimental to fat loss.
5. Turkey. Unlike it's slightly fatter cousin the chicken, turkey has almost no fat, bags of protein and is low in calories by weight.
I'm not going to pretend it's easy, but getting ripped abs quickly needn't be as painful and demoralising as it often seems to be. Remember the key to great abs is finding the best foods for abs on a great muscle based diet program. Find a program that's right for you and start today!
We review the best programs for GETTING RIPPED []. See our top 3 at [].
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