3 Tummy Trimming Exercises to Do at Home to Get a Flat Belly

What are 3 of the best tummy trimming exercises that you can do at home without any equipment in order to help you flatten your belly in a short time? In this article, I'll share with you the correct technique to do these exercises so you can get started working on your abs today.

Tummy exercise 1 - Scissors

This is an awesome exercise that you can do on a mat, floor or carpet. Lie fully stretched out on the floor with your arms by your sides. Lift both legs about 3 inches in the air but keep them stretched. Place one foot slightly above the other so they're criss-crossed at the ankles. Hold them in the air by clenching your abs. Begin switching between your legs so that one is above the other back and forth. Pretty soon, you will feel like your abs are on fire. This works the central abs and the lower abs for a complete tummy workout. Try it out and you'll see what I mean.

Tummy Exercise 2 - Reverse Crunches

To do this awesome low and upper abs exercise, you lie on the floor and bend both legs. Lift your feet slightly into the air and place both hands beneath your buttocks. By clenching your tummy muscles, bring both knees toward your chest. You may lift your buttocks a bit as you do this but don't overdo the movement. Go back to the starting position slowly but don't let your feet touch the floor until you finish your set.

Tummy exercise 3 - The plank

This last home tummy exercise is a static one. However, it is also very effective. To do the plank you need to lie face down on the floor. Then, raise yourself on your toes and forearms and hold this position. Maintain a straight back and neck and breathe normally. Pretty soon you will feel your abs straining like mad. This is how intensive the Plank is.

For more home ab exercises visit Tummy Trimming Exercises
For an excellent way to get flat abs visit Truth About Abs
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

3 Exercises to Help Get You a Flat Stomach!

If you are wanting a flat stomach then you have got to train your body to have one, period! You can't buy a flat stomach, take a pill for one, or expect some fad diet to help you get rid of it. Even if you try these things its only temporary and you'll have nothing to show for it other than being out a lot of money and your health is in the toilet. This is not the route you want to go. You can do the following. I know you can because my clients and me do this all the time. Check out the following 3 exercises that will help you get rid of your stomach.

Exercises To Get A Flat Stomach!

1. Burpees: The burpee is a total body calisthenic that will help you develop a superior level of both muscular and cardiovascular endurance. To execute this drill you will need nothing more than your own body weight and the willingness to work. The burpee consists of 3 steps. Step 1 involves you standing with your feet at shoulder width apart in length and then crouching down to place your hands on the ground. Step 2 involves you kicking your feet back behind you extending your body into an upright push up position. Step 3 involves you executing a normal push up. Finally, step 4 involves you kicking your feet back up underneath your body after the push up in order to position yourself to stand up. All 4 of these steps consist of a single repetition. This is a great exercise for eliminating those love handles.

2. Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell swings are the base strength endurance lift that you can perform with this ancient device. This particular lift is highly effective for helping you to lose belly fat. In order to pull this off you will need the availability of at least a single bell. Start the drill by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat and pick up the bell with both arms and allow it to hang at your groin. From here make sure to tighten your abs and start to continuously flex and extend at both your hips and knees in order to create the momentum to swing the bell back and forth in an arc like motion. As the bell builds more momentum allow it to elevate to at least chest level. Make sure to lock out at both your hips and knees at the top of every swing lift. This is a flat tummy exercise if I have ever seen one.

3. Squat Jumps: For this drill you going to be using nothing more than your own body weight. Begin this exercise by standing with your feet at shoulder width apart. Start by executing a counter-movement with your arms by allowing them to swing back with your hips as your rear descends down into the squat. As you reach the bottom of the squat you are then going to forcefully swing your arms forward while, at the same time, you explosively extend at your hips, knees, and ankles to lift your body off of the ground. When you land make sure to do so from heel to toe and recoil your body by flexing at these three major joints (hips, knees, ankles). This recoiled position helps you to absorb the impact of landing, sets you up for the next jump, and helps you to execute the jumps all in continuous succession without interruption.

If you haven't already started to implement these 3 exercises into your belly fat loss campaign then your program is lacking. Take the time to learn more by accessing more of my articles on subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Richey

Tightening Up Your Stomach - Exercises For That Flat Belly You've Always Wanted

Flattening your belly can do wonders for you. Without sounding overly vain, a flat belly makes all the difference in the world about your physical appearance.

Flattening your stomach consists of two types of exercises. Start off with these exercises to get your abs nice and taut:

Leg lifts do a great job of working out the lower abdominal area. Lie on your back and slowly lift your legs together as high as you can bring them. Take at least a second or two to move them through their full range of motion, and the same amount of time to return them to the ground. In addition to giving your muscles a great workout, this also helps smooth out flat spots in your leg and ab strength.

Scissor kicks are another great stomach exercise. Lying again on your back, lift both legs off the ground a few inches. Make quick kicking motions, bringing each leg up to about 45 degrees, and returning it almost to floor level.

After you've gotten your stomach muscles nice and loosened up, it's time to take a quick jog. Once or twice during your jogging session, work in a 30 to 60 second sprint, to bring your heart rate up. This boosts your metabolism and helps burn off the fat around your mid-section, showing your toned stomach.

The fight against flab doesn't stop there, though. Take a look at what you eat and see if you can remove or replace fatty foods or anything with empty calories. Almost everybody's diet has quite a few sources of massive and needless extra intake of fat or calories.

There's more! Take a look at these fitness programs [http://www.self-help-info.net/top-fitness-program-reviews.html] for more in-depth information on fixing your diet and tightening up your body. Toning your muscles can be difficult at times, but it's definitely worth it, so take some time to read up on those fitness guides. Your body deserves it!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susan_L_Roberts

Flat Belly Workouts - 2 Exercises That Will Flatten Your Stomach

Here's 2 excellent exercises that you can do to lose fat in your stomach. You can do these exercises while at home in no time at all. It will only take you no more than 15 minutes to complete each workout. To be quite honest, getting a flat belly is not as hard as many make it out to be. I am going to share a couple of things you can do to flatten your stomach in 15 minutes or less. So, take 2 minutes and read this article carefully if you want great looking abs.

1. Resistance band ab pull

If you don't own a pair of resistance bands, get one. This thing flat out works. Resistance Bands are great for toning and tightening your abs. Here's what to do. Tie one end of the band around a secure immovable object like your door knob or a post and get down on your knees. Grab the other end of the band and pull it toward your knees while you do a crunch. HINT: pulling the band toward your knees will put a lot of pressure on your abs. Don't quit as it will burn.

I recommend that you do this exercise 3 times a week. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

2. Stomach Plank

The abdominal plank is a great exercise for many people to do because it develops the lower and upper abdominal muscle all at once. Here's what you must do to perform this exercise correctly. Get on your toes while you are lying face down on the floor. Now stabilize yourself on both forearms. Hold that position for as long as you can. Do this exercise 3 times through for as long as you can. Try doing the plank 3 times a week for maximum results.

These two exercises are awesome stomach workouts that will do a great deal of good for your belly when done consistently.

E.L Forestal is a Fat Loss Expert, Former college football All-American. His popular workout program, Fat Loss Workout Bands [http://www.fatlossworkoutband.com/] has helped thousands of men and women lose fat, while cutting their workout time in half. Click [http://www.fatlossworkoutband.com/] for your FREE bonus book "10 Rules Of Fat Burning" and FREE "Flat Abs" mini course

If you're really serious about losing pounds, then go and download your bonus book now. If you follow the 10 rules exactly as I've written them and take no shortcuts, you'll lose weight fast... I'd be SHOCKED if you didn't lose 10 pounds in your first 10 days!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edith_Forestal

When Is The Best Time To Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat?

Whatever your preferences, there are a huge variety of exercise programs available for people who are looking to exercise to lose some weight from their stomach. So, once you have found a program that you like or a new one that you want to try when is the best time to exercise to reduce belly fat?

Morning or afternoon exercise sessions each have distinctive benefits. Our bodies are governed by our internal circadian rhythm, which is your body's clock. It regulates the body's chemical and hormonal production and metabolism along an approximate 24 hour period. This lets you sleep when it is sleep time and become active when it is time for that.

Your circadian rhythm affects your heart rate, body temperature and hormone levels which are all essential to a successful exercise program.

While medical professionals are split on whether there is an ideal time of day to exercise, morning and afternoon exercise sessions each have distinctive benefits.

Exercising in the morning

While there is not enough scientific evidence to support this claim, the main benefit to morning exercise to reduce belly fat is that that you will burn more calories exercising on an empty stomach. Exercise raises your metabolic rate for hours after your workout. Your metabolic rate is the amount of calories your body burns at rest for basic functioning, so with a morning workout you are getting the benefits during the day when you eat. Plus, people who work out first thing in the morning may be less likely to forget their diets during the day.

Also, research has shown that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to stick with their exercise program in the long run. If you have full time job and a family you will know that there are always things to be done during the day. If you leave your workout until later in the day, there is more temptation to push it back or miss it entirely due to more pressing or important things that have to be done.

Exercising in the afternoon

If you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, afternoon workouts are definitely the best option for you, as your enthusiasm to be exercising in the gym or swimming in the pool will be pretty low.

To get the most out of any exercise to reduce belly fat, you need to be committed both physically and mentally.

There is some evidence that working out in the afternoon gives you an added performance boost. While everyone's circadian rhythm is different, our bodies tend to be warmest in the afternoon, increasing blood flow and flexibility. So, if you prefer complicated, difficult exercise programs like cycling or dance-style classes, it may be best to do them in the afternoon, when your muscles are warmest and there is a lower risk of injury.

There is no overall agreement as to when during the day you should workout for maximum results to reduce belly fat but there are considerations to consider for both a morning and an afternoon exercise program.

If you exercise in the morning, ensure that you warm-up, as your muscles will be cool and stiff after sleeping. If you exercise in the afternoon you need to be conscientious about not missing your workout. Researchers, dieticians and scientists are agreed on one thing though. Rather than being concerned about what is the best time of day to exercise, you need find a good exercise program and stick to it consistently.

Do you want to know more on how to lose your fat belly? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to learn the best workout techniques plus receive nutritional tips for fat loss, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for a lean body? Discover the most popular program on the internet that truthfully shows you how to get flat a flat stomach with a safe, proven and long lasting system at http://howtogetflatabsfast.org/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Allo

The Best Six-Pack Abs Exercises

The perfect set of six pack abs is a common goal that many gym enthusiasts work towards. When you visit a gym, you will traditionally see a vast group of people trudging along on the treadmill or lying on the sit-up boards performing crunches and other 'six-pack abs exercises'. But are these types of workouts really the answer for maximum fat loss?

According to recent research, the answer is no. The best way to achieve a flatter belly in the least amount of time is through variable intensity training - a form of exercise that stresses a variety of short, intense movements rather than a sustained workout at a slower pace.

Six Pack Abs Exercises: High Intensity Interval Training

Research confirms that cardio is not the best direction to take when pursuing six-pack abs. But before you get too excited about being able to ditch these dreaded exercises, keep in mind that the six pack abs exercises we are about to describe are much tougher than traditional cardio, although they take less time to perform.

Six pack abs exercises like crunches and sit-ups can be great as part of an overall workout strategy, but they are not effective in attacking belly fat on their own.

High intensity interval training, much like the name suggests, is a collection of short and intense exercises that work the entire body. They help to boost your metabolism and burn fat quickly. Workouts usually last 5-10 minutes in entirety, but should be performed up to 5 times a day for maximum results.

Interval training usually combines resistance training (using weights or your own body mass for resistance) with interval training (doing several exercises successively with only a small break in between exercises). These exercises could include push-ups, lunges, bodyweight and bar squats, mountain climbers, dumbbell presses, leg curls, floor and stability ball planks and dumbbell curls. This type of circuit training works every part of the body and increases the metabolic rate to maximize fat loss.

Once you are adequately conditioned through interval training, a great way to target your midsection for great looking six-pack abs is to add short sprints to your workout routine. These could include wind sprints, hill sprints, swimming sprints and jump rope. Unlike traditional cardio where you run, walk or swim for up to an hour at a time with low intensity, these exercises require you to give maximum exertion for brief stints of time. These exercises may be difficult at first, but once you begin to see the results they just might become the favorite part of your workout.

If you truly want to achieve six-pack abs, ask yourself this: How many people do you know with great abs, and of those you do know, how many of them achieved this great-looking midsection with cardio and crunches alone? Very few, if any, right? That's because most cardio and other abs routines are not effective at burning fat, especially stubborn belly fat. High intensity interval training will give you the look you want in the shortest amount of time and will leave you feeling full of energy and self-confidence.

For lots more examples of six pack abs exercises [http://www.burnfatgetmuscle.com/six-pack-abs-exercises] and workout routines, head over to www.BurnFatGetMuscle.com [http://www.burnfatgetmuscle.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dean_Carter

The Best Six Pack Abs Exercises

If you want to rack up six pack abdominals, you must have bore down various six pack exercises. I doubt if any of those have been helpful in giving you the toned and ripped abs that you long for. Ever since the fad for six pack abs has taken over the world, there has been an outburst of machines, devices and workout routines for toning abs. Some of them work well, while others simply don't. Thus, it is very difficult to determine which would work the best for you.

What are the Best Six Pack Abs Exercises?

Six pack abs exercisers and experts have agreed upon three best six pack abs exercises. These include:

• The bicycle maneuver

• Crunches on a floor or a mat, or even on an exercise ball

The captain's chair

They are the most ideal six pack abs exercise workouts for both lower and upper abs.

These best exercises are easy to do and cost nothing, since they need no equipment. For bicycle maneuver, there is no need of any device or machine. However, the crunches can be done effectively on an exercise ball, but it is also effective without it.

Observations prove that these three best six pack exercises have shown perfect results for many. They are even better than gadgets and machines available in the market for getting six pack abdominals.

Moving on to the third best exercise, the captain's chair, we see that although it needs an equipment but it is as easy as a pie. You can find this equipment at almost all well-equipped gyms.

Looking for Six Pack Abs Machines?

Although, most experts affirm that machines are less effective as compared to six pack abs exercises, but as the modern world love to rely on machine, their significance cannot be challenged.

The Torso Track has been found to be helpful in toning the perfect six pack abdominals that you yearn for. It offers the same advantage as do the above mentioned six pack exercises - working both the lower and the upper abs, along with the side muscles of your abs.

If you can afford to buy a machine and if you feel more comfortable on machines, then you must go for Torso Track for getting those perfectly carved out ripped six pack that you crave for. Most people are accustomed to the use of machines and they seem to lose track and discipline of their workout plan if there is no machine. For them, this could be a perfect alternative.

David is a leading expert in Six Pack Workout [http://getfitandeatright.com/six-pack-workout-basic.html]. If you would like to learn more ways in how to get a ripped six pack abdominal visit, Get Six Pack Abs [http://getfitandeatright.com/how-to-get-six-pack-abs-2.html]

David Britto

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Britto